use std::collections::HashMap; use std::fs::File; use std::io::{stdout, Read, Write}; use crossterm::{ cursor, event::{self, Event, KeyCode}, queue, style::{Attribute, Print}, terminal, }; use roxmltree::{Document, Node}; struct Epub { container: zip::ZipArchive, } impl Epub { fn new(path: &str) -> std::io::Result { let file = File::open(path)?; Ok(Epub { container: zip::ZipArchive::new(file)?, }) } fn render(acc: &mut Vec, n: Node) { if n.is_text() { let text = n.text().unwrap(); if !text.trim().is_empty() { let last = acc.last_mut().unwrap(); last.push_str(text); } return; } match n.tag_name().name() { "h1" | "h2" | "h3" | "h4" | "h5" | "h6" => { acc.push(String::from("\x1b\x5b1m")); for c in n.children() { Self::render(acc, c); } acc.push(String::from("\x1b\x5b0m")); } "blockquote" | "p" => { acc.push(String::new()); for c in n.children() { Self::render(acc, c); } acc.push(String::new()); } "li" => { acc.push(String::from("- ")); for c in n.children() { Self::render(acc, c); } acc.push(String::new()); } "br" => acc.push(String::new()), _ => { for c in n.children() { Self::render(acc, c); } } } } fn get_text(&mut self, name: &str) -> String { let mut text = String::new(); self.container .by_name(name) .unwrap() .read_to_string(&mut text) .unwrap(); text } fn get_toc(&mut self) -> Vec<(String, String)> { let xml = self.get_text("META-INF/container.xml"); let doc = Document::parse(&xml).unwrap(); let path = doc .descendants() .find(|n| n.has_tag_name("rootfile")) .unwrap() .attribute("full-path") .unwrap(); let xml = self.get_text(path); let doc = Document::parse(&xml).unwrap(); let rootdir = std::path::Path::new(&path).parent().unwrap(); let mut manifest = HashMap::new(); doc.root_element() .children() .find(|n| n.has_tag_name("manifest")) .unwrap() .children() .filter(Node::is_element) .for_each(|n| { manifest.insert( n.attribute("id").unwrap(), n.attribute("href").unwrap(), ); }); let mut nav = HashMap::new(); if doc.root_element().attribute("version") == Some("3.0") { let path = doc .root_element() .children() .find(|n| n.has_tag_name("manifest")) .unwrap() .children() .find(|n| n.attribute("properties") == Some("nav")) .unwrap() .attribute("href") .unwrap(); let xml = self.get_text(rootdir.join(path).to_str().unwrap()); let doc = Document::parse(&xml).unwrap(); doc.descendants() .find(|n| n.has_tag_name("nav")) .unwrap() .descendants() .filter(|n| n.has_tag_name("a")) .for_each(|n| { let path = n.attribute("href").unwrap().to_string(); let text = n .descendants() .filter(Node::is_text) .map(|n| n.text().unwrap()) .collect(); nav.insert(path, text); }) } else { let path = manifest.get("ncx").unwrap(); let xml = self.get_text(rootdir.join(path).to_str().unwrap()); let doc = Document::parse(&xml).unwrap(); doc.descendants() .find(|n| n.has_tag_name("navMap")) .unwrap() .descendants() .filter(|n| n.has_tag_name("navPoint")) .for_each(|n| { let path = n .descendants() .find(|n| n.has_tag_name("content")) .unwrap() .attribute("src") .unwrap() .to_string(); let text = n .descendants() .find(|n| n.has_tag_name("text")) .unwrap() .text() .unwrap() .to_string(); nav.insert(path, text); }) } doc.root_element() .children() .find(|n| n.has_tag_name("spine")) .unwrap() .children() .filter(Node::is_element) .enumerate() .map(|(i, n)| { let id = n.attribute("idref").unwrap(); let path = manifest.remove(id).unwrap(); let title = nav.remove(path).unwrap_or_else(|| i.to_string()); let path = rootdir.join(path).to_str().unwrap().to_string(); (title, path) }) .collect() } } fn wrap(text: String, width: u16) -> Vec { // XXX assumes a char is 1 unit wide let mut wrapped = Vec::new(); let mut start = 0; let mut brk = 0; let mut line = 0; let mut word = 0; let mut skip = 0; for (i, c) in text.char_indices() { match c { ' ' => { brk = i; skip = 1; word = 0; } // // // currently only break at hyphen and em-dash :shrug: '-' | '—' => { brk = i + c.len_utf8(); skip = 0; word = 0; } _ => { word += 1; } } if line == width { wrapped.push(String::from(&text[start..brk])); start = brk + skip; line = word; } else { line += 1; } } wrapped.push(String::from(&text[start..])); wrapped } struct Position(String, usize, usize); enum Direction { Forward, Backward, } trait View { fn run(&self, bk: &mut Bk, kc: KeyCode); fn render(&self, bk: &Bk); } struct Help; impl View for Help { fn run(&self, bk: &mut Bk, _: KeyCode) { bk.view = Some(&Page); } fn render(&self, _: &Bk) { let text = r#" Esc q Quit F1 ? Help / Search Tab Table of Contents PageDown Right Space f l Page Down PageUp Left b h Page Up d Half Page Down u Half Page Up Down j Line Down Up k Line Up Home g Chapter Start End G Chapter End [ Previous Chapter ] Next Chapter n Search Forward N Search Backward "#; let mut stdout = stdout(); queue!(stdout, terminal::Clear(terminal::ClearType::All)).unwrap(); for (i, line) in text.lines().enumerate() { queue!(stdout, cursor::MoveTo(0, i as u16), Print(line)).unwrap(); } } } struct Nav; impl View for Nav { fn run(&self, bk: &mut Bk, kc: KeyCode) { match kc { KeyCode::Esc | KeyCode::Char('h') | KeyCode::Char('q') => { bk.view = Some(&Page); } KeyCode::Enter | KeyCode::Tab | KeyCode::Char('l') => { bk.get_chapter(bk.nav_idx); bk.pos = 0; bk.view = Some(&Page); } KeyCode::Down | KeyCode::Char('j') => { if bk.nav_idx < bk.toc.len() - 1 { bk.nav_idx += 1; if bk.nav_idx == bk.nav_top + bk.rows { bk.nav_top += 1; } } } KeyCode::Up | KeyCode::Char('k') => { if bk.nav_idx > 0 { if bk.nav_idx == bk.nav_top { bk.nav_top -= 1; } bk.nav_idx -= 1; } } KeyCode::Home | KeyCode::Char('g') => { bk.nav_idx = 0; bk.nav_top = 0; } KeyCode::End | KeyCode::Char('G') => { bk.nav_idx = bk.toc.len() - 1; bk.nav_top = bk.toc.len().saturating_sub(bk.rows); } _ => (), } } fn render(&self, bk: &Bk) { let mut stdout = stdout(); queue!(stdout, terminal::Clear(terminal::ClearType::All)).unwrap(); let end = std::cmp::min(bk.nav_top + bk.rows, bk.toc.len()); for (i, line) in bk.toc[bk.nav_top..end].iter().enumerate() { let s = if bk.nav_idx == bk.nav_top + i { format!( "{}{}{}", Attribute::Reverse, line.0, Attribute::Reset ) } else { line.0.to_string() }; queue!(stdout, cursor::MoveTo(0, i as u16), Print(s)).unwrap(); } } } struct Page; impl View for Page { fn run(&self, bk: &mut Bk, kc: KeyCode) { match kc { KeyCode::Esc | KeyCode::Char('q') => bk.view = None, KeyCode::Tab => { bk.nav_idx = bk.chapter_idx; bk.nav_top = bk.nav_idx.saturating_sub(bk.rows - 1); bk.view = Some(&Nav); } KeyCode::F(1) | KeyCode::Char('?') => bk.view = Some(&Help), KeyCode::Char('/') => { = String::new(); bk.view = Some(&Search); } KeyCode::Char('N') => {; } KeyCode::Char('n') => {; } KeyCode::End | KeyCode::Char('G') => { bk.pos = (bk.chapter.len() / bk.rows) * bk.rows; } KeyCode::Home | KeyCode::Char('g') => bk.pos = 0, KeyCode::Char('d') => { bk.scroll_down(bk.rows / 2); } KeyCode::Char('u') => { bk.scroll_up(bk.rows / 2); } KeyCode::Up | KeyCode::Char('k') => { bk.scroll_up(1); } KeyCode::Left | KeyCode::PageUp | KeyCode::Char('b') | KeyCode::Char('h') => { bk.scroll_up(bk.rows); } KeyCode::Down | KeyCode::Char('j') => { bk.scroll_down(1); } KeyCode::Right | KeyCode::PageDown | KeyCode::Char('f') | KeyCode::Char('l') | KeyCode::Char(' ') => { bk.scroll_down(bk.rows); } KeyCode::Char('[') => bk.prev_chapter(), KeyCode::Char(']') => bk.next_chapter(), _ => (), } } fn render(&self, bk: &Bk) { let mut stdout = stdout(); queue!(stdout, terminal::Clear(terminal::ClearType::All)).unwrap(); let end = std::cmp::min(bk.pos + bk.rows, bk.chapter.len()); for (y, line) in bk.chapter[bk.pos..end].iter().enumerate() { queue!(stdout, cursor::MoveTo(bk.pad, y as u16), Print(line)) .unwrap(); } } } struct Search; impl View for Search { fn run(&self, bk: &mut Bk, kc: KeyCode) { match kc { KeyCode::Esc => { = String::new(); bk.view = Some(&Page); } KeyCode::Enter => {; bk.view = Some(&Page); } KeyCode::Char(c) => {; } _ => (), } } fn render(&self, bk: &Bk) { let mut stdout = stdout(); queue!( stdout, cursor::MoveTo(0, bk.rows as u16), terminal::Clear(terminal::ClearType::CurrentLine), Print(& ) .unwrap(); } } struct Bk<'a> { view: Option<&'a dyn View>, epub: Epub, cols: u16, chapter: Vec, chapter_idx: usize, nav_idx: usize, nav_top: usize, pos: usize, rows: usize, toc: Vec<(String, String)>, pad: u16, search: String, } impl Bk<'_> { fn new(mut epub: Epub, pos: &Position, pad: u16) -> Self { let (cols, rows) = terminal::size().unwrap(); let mut bk = Bk { view: Some(&Page), chapter: Vec::new(), chapter_idx: 0, nav_idx: 0, nav_top: 0, toc: epub.get_toc(), epub, pos: pos.2, pad, cols, rows: rows as usize, search: String::new(), }; bk.get_chapter(pos.1); bk } fn run(&mut self) -> crossterm::Result<()> { let mut stdout = stdout(); queue!(stdout, terminal::EnterAlternateScreen, cursor::Hide)?; terminal::enable_raw_mode()?; while let Some(view) = self.view { view.render(self); stdout.flush().unwrap(); match event::read()? { Event::Key(e) =>, e.code), Event::Resize(cols, rows) => { self.cols = cols; self.rows = rows as usize; self.get_chapter(self.chapter_idx); } // TODO Event::Mouse(_) => (), } } queue!(stdout, terminal::LeaveAlternateScreen, cursor::Show)?; //stdout.flush()?; terminal::disable_raw_mode() } fn get_chapter(&mut self, idx: usize) { let xml = self.epub.get_text(&self.toc[idx].1); let doc = Document::parse(&xml).unwrap(); let body = doc.root_element().last_element_child().unwrap(); let mut chapter = Vec::new(); Epub::render(&mut chapter, body); let width = self.cols - (self.pad * 2); self.chapter = Vec::with_capacity(chapter.len() * 2); for line in chapter { self.chapter.append(&mut wrap(line, width)) } self.chapter_idx = idx; } fn next_chapter(&mut self) { if self.chapter_idx < self.toc.len() - 1 { self.get_chapter(self.chapter_idx + 1); self.pos = 0; } } fn prev_chapter(&mut self) { if self.chapter_idx > 0 { self.get_chapter(self.chapter_idx - 1); self.pos = 0; } } fn scroll_down(&mut self, n: usize) { if self.rows < self.chapter.len() - self.pos { self.pos += n; } else { self.next_chapter(); } } fn scroll_up(&mut self, n: usize) { if self.pos > 0 { self.pos = self.pos.saturating_sub(n); } else { self.prev_chapter(); self.pos = (self.chapter.len() / self.rows) * self.rows; } } fn search(&mut self, dir: Direction) { match dir { Direction::Forward => { if let Some(i) = self.chapter[self.pos + 1..] .iter() .position(|s| s.contains(& { self.pos += i + 1; } } Direction::Backward => { if let Some(i) = self.chapter[..self.pos] .iter() .rposition(|s| s.contains(& { self.pos = i; } } } } } fn restore() -> Option { let path = std::env::args().nth(1); let save_path = format!("{}/.local/share/bk", std::env::var("HOME").unwrap()); let save = std::fs::read_to_string(save_path); let get_save = |s: String| { let mut lines = s.lines(); Position(,,, ) }; match (save, path) { (Err(_), None) => None, (Err(_), Some(path)) => Some(Position(path, 0, 0)), (Ok(save), None) => Some(get_save(save)), (Ok(save), Some(path)) => { let save = get_save(save); if save.0 == path { Some(save) } else { Some(Position(path, 0, 0)) } } } } fn main() { let pos = restore().unwrap_or_else(|| { println!("usage: bk path"); std::process::exit(1); }); let epub = Epub::new(&pos.0).unwrap_or_else(|e| { println!("error reading epub: {}", e); std::process::exit(1); }); let mut bk = Bk::new(epub, &pos, 3); // crossterm really shouldn't error; std::fs::write( format!("{}/.local/share/bk", std::env::var("HOME").unwrap()), format!("{}\n{}\n{}", pos.0, bk.chapter_idx, bk.pos), ) .unwrap_or_else(|e| { println!("error saving position: {}", e); std::process::exit(1); }); }