use anyhow::Result; use crossterm::{ cursor, event::{self, DisableMouseCapture, EnableMouseCapture, Event}, queue, style::{self, Print}, terminal, }; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use std::{ cmp::min, collections::HashMap, env, fs, io::{stdout, Write}, iter, process::exit, }; use unicode_width::UnicodeWidthChar; mod view; use view::{Nav, Page, Search, View}; mod epub; use epub::Chapter; fn wrap(text: &str, max_cols: usize) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> { let mut lines = Vec::new(); // bytes let mut start = 0; let mut end = 0; // cols after the break let mut after = 0; // cols of unbroken line let mut cols = 0; // are we breaking on whitespace? let mut space = false; // should probably use unicode_segmentation grapheme_indices for (i, c) in text.char_indices() { // let char_cols = c.width().unwrap_or(0); cols += char_cols; match c { '\n' => { after = 0; end = i; space = true; cols = max_cols + 1; } ' ' => { after = 0; end = i; space = true; } '-' | '—' if cols <= max_cols => { after = 0; end = i + c.len_utf8(); space = false; } _ => after += char_cols, } if cols > max_cols { // break a single long word if cols == after { after = char_cols; end = i; space = false; } lines.push((start, end)); start = end; if space { start += 1; } cols = after; } } lines } fn get_line(lines: &[(usize, usize)], byte: usize) -> usize { match lines.binary_search_by_key(&byte, |&(a, _)| a) { Ok(n) => n, Err(n) => n - 1, } } struct SearchArgs { dir: Direction, skip: bool, } #[derive(Clone)] enum Direction { Next, Prev, } pub struct Bk<'a> { chapters: Vec, // position in the book chapter: usize, line: usize, mark: HashMap, links: HashMap, // layout cols: u16, rows: usize, max_width: u16, // view state view: Option<&'a dyn View>, cursor: usize, dir: Direction, meta: Vec, query: String, } impl Bk<'_> { fn new(epub: epub::Epub, args: Props) -> Self { let (cols, rows) = terminal::size().unwrap(); let width = min(cols, args.width) as usize; let meta = wrap(&epub.meta, width) .into_iter() .map(|(a, b)| String::from(&epub.meta[a..b])) .collect(); let mut chapters = epub.chapters; for c in &mut chapters { c.lines = wrap(&c.text, width); if c.title.chars().count() > width { c.title = c .title .chars() .take(width - 1) .chain(iter::once('…')) .collect(); } } let mut bk = Bk { chapters, chapter: args.chapter, line: 0, mark: HashMap::new(), links: epub.links, cols, rows: rows as usize, max_width: args.width, view: Some(if args.toc { &Nav } else { &Page }), cursor: 0, dir: Direction::Next, meta, query: String::new(), }; bk.line = get_line(&bk.chap().lines, args.byte); bk.mark('\''); bk } fn pad(&self) -> u16 { self.cols.saturating_sub(self.max_width) / 2 } fn run(&mut self) -> crossterm::Result<()> { let mut stdout = stdout(); queue!( stdout, terminal::EnterAlternateScreen, cursor::Hide, EnableMouseCapture )?; terminal::enable_raw_mode()?; while let Some(view) = self.view { queue!( stdout, terminal::Clear(terminal::ClearType::All), Print(style::Attribute::Reset) )?; for (i, line) in view.render(self).iter().enumerate() { queue!(stdout, cursor::MoveTo(self.pad(), i as u16), Print(line))?; } queue!(stdout, cursor::MoveTo(self.pad(), self.cursor as u16))?; stdout.flush().unwrap(); match event::read()? { Event::Key(e) => view.on_key(self, e.code), Event::Mouse(e) => view.on_mouse(self, e), Event::Resize(cols, rows) => { self.rows = rows as usize; if cols != self.cols { self.cols = cols; let width = min(cols, self.max_width) as usize; for c in &mut self.chapters { c.lines = wrap(&c.text, width); } } view.on_resize(self); // XXX marks aren't updated } } } queue!( stdout, terminal::LeaveAlternateScreen, cursor::Show, DisableMouseCapture )?; terminal::disable_raw_mode() } fn mark(&mut self, c: char) { self.mark.insert(c, (self.chapter, self.line)); } fn jump(&mut self, (c, l): (usize, usize)) { self.mark('\''); self.chapter = c; self.line = l; } fn jump_reset(&mut self) { let &(c, l) = self.mark.get(&'\'').unwrap(); self.chapter = c; self.line = l; } fn chap(&self) -> &Chapter { &self.chapters[self.chapter] } fn next_chapter(&mut self) { if self.chapter < self.chapters.len() - 1 { self.chapter += 1; self.line = 0; } } fn prev_chapter(&mut self) { if self.chapter > 0 { self.chapter -= 1; self.line = 0; } } fn scroll_down(&mut self, n: usize) { if self.line + self.rows < self.chap().lines.len() { self.line += n; } else { self.next_chapter(); } } fn scroll_up(&mut self, n: usize) { if self.line > 0 { self.line = self.line.saturating_sub(n); } else if self.chapter > 0 { self.chapter -= 1; self.line = self.chap().lines.len().saturating_sub(self.rows); } } fn start_search(&mut self, dir: Direction) { self.mark('\''); self.query.clear(); self.dir = dir; self.view = Some(&Search); } fn search(&mut self, args: SearchArgs) -> bool { let (start, end) = self.chap().lines[self.line]; match args.dir { Direction::Next => { let byte = if args.skip { end } else { start }; let head = (self.chapter, byte); let tail = (self.chapter + 1..self.chapters.len() - 1).map(|n| (n, 0)); for (c, byte) in iter::once(head).chain(tail) { if let Some(index) = self.chapters[c].text[byte..].find(&self.query) { self.line = get_line(&self.chapters[c].lines, index + byte); self.chapter = c; return true; } } false } Direction::Prev => { let byte = if args.skip { start } else { end }; let head = (self.chapter, byte); let tail = (0..self.chapter) .rev() .map(|c| (c, self.chapters[c].text.len())); for (c, byte) in iter::once(head).chain(tail) { if let Some(index) = self.chapters[c].text[..byte].rfind(&self.query) { self.line = get_line(&self.chapters[c].lines, index); self.chapter = c; return true; } } false } } } } #[derive(argh::FromArgs)] /// read a book struct Args { #[argh(positional)] path: Option, /// print metadata and exit #[argh(switch, short = 'm')] meta: bool, /// start with table of contents open #[argh(switch, short = 't')] toc: bool, /// characters per line #[argh(option, short = 'w', default = "75")] width: u16, } struct Props { chapter: usize, byte: usize, width: u16, toc: bool, } #[derive(Default, Deserialize, Serialize)] struct Save { last: String, files: HashMap, } struct State { save: Save, save_path: String, path: String, meta: bool, bk: Props, } fn init() -> Result { let save_path = if cfg!(windows) { format!("{}\\bk", env::var("APPDATA")?) } else { format!("{}/.local/share/bk", env::var("HOME")?) }; // XXX will silently create a new default save if ron errors but path arg works. // revisit if/when stabilizing. ez file format upgrades let save = fs::read_to_string(&save_path) .map_err(anyhow::Error::new) .and_then(|s| { let save: Save = ron::from_str(&s)?; Ok(save) }); let args: Args = argh::from_env(); let mut path = args.path; // abort on path error if path.is_some() { path = Some( fs::canonicalize(path.unwrap())? .to_str() .unwrap() .to_string(), ); } let (path, chapter, byte) = match (&save, &path) { (Err(_), None) => return Err(anyhow::anyhow!("no path arg and no or invalid save file")), (Err(_), Some(p)) => (p, 0, 0), (Ok(save), None) => { let &(chapter, byte) = save.files.get(&save.last).unwrap(); (&save.last, chapter, byte) } (Ok(save), Some(p)) => { if save.files.contains_key(p) { let &(chapter, byte) = save.files.get(p).unwrap(); (p, chapter, byte) } else { (p, 0, 0) } } }; Ok(State { save_path, path: path.clone(), save: save.unwrap_or_default(), meta: args.meta, bk: Props { chapter, byte, width: args.width, toc: args.toc, }, }) } fn main() { let mut state = init().unwrap_or_else(|e| { println!("init error: {}", e); exit(1); }); let epub = epub::Epub::new(&state.path, state.meta).unwrap_or_else(|e| { println!("epub error: {}", e); exit(1); }); if state.meta { println!("{}", epub.meta); exit(0); } let mut bk = Bk::new(epub, state.bk);|e| { println!("run error: {}", e); exit(1); }); let byte = bk.chap().lines[bk.line].0; state .save .files .insert(state.path.clone(), (bk.chapter, byte)); = state.path; let serialized = ron::to_string(&; fs::write(state.save_path, serialized).unwrap_or_else(|e| { println!("error saving state: {}", e); exit(1); }); }