

desktop configurations. function over form, though things being pretty is nice


clean dirty


.config/init/ contains vars, a file defining shared variables for the desktop which are sourced and used elsewhere. these settings can be overridden by creating a "voverride" file in the same directory. .config/init also contains a series of "gen/*.sh" files, which create configuration files in $tmpdir so programs not configurable via shell scripting will automatically match the current settings as well. i stick symlinks to the $tmpdir version where they would normally be. also included are folders "funcs" and "funcreqs", which, respectively, contain executable scripts and their prerequisite commands and arbitrary check commands. the latter prerequisites are tested from .zprofile at login and, if passed, the functions are symlinked into $tmpdir/funcs, which is appended to $PATH. thus, this system allows for configs which automatically adapt to the host environment, enabling only what functionality is compatible.

Current Utilities


used neovim for a while, but it some reason stopped playing nicely with herbtluftwm+alacritty sigwnch-ing, so back to vim again now (which meantime seems to have been made much quicker; nice). have a few fun things, including auto-loaded, filetype-specific settings and basic templates, a few fancy mappings, and a simple 16-colour colourscheme. take a look at .vimrc for details and things.


herbstluftwm has the really interesting concept of allowing manual tiling of frames and then providing automatic layouts for inside those frames. in theory, it's the best of both worlds, but it gets kind of confusing, so i've just set the layout to always be max. this way frames basically just have multiple tabs for me that can by cycled through. it's really neat for saving screen space! (try splitting a screen with both an editor and a terminal on one side and all your documentation on the other). i3 can do much the same thing, but it comes with lots of slightly annoying things to get rid of.


urxvt-perls suddenly stopped working, so switched to alacritty. few keybinding issues to get around, and font rendering isn't great, but it works


both are fantastic for keyboard-driven file management. i've forked sxiv to use 4 colours rather than 2, to better fit the theme, but still've got to figure out how to write a ranger extension that can receive selections from sxiv, because squinting at filenames is just bleh. python is my bane, though...


a nice password manager-a-ma-bob, gpg locked and easy to sync with git. there's a firefox addon, but it doesn't really work, and there's an existing dmenu frontend, but it's not very featureful, so i wrote my own.


useful things all around 👍

dmenu with lineheight patch and lemonbar with xft. a little awkward setting up, though, and bound to x11, so considering instead ncurses alternatives in specially-placed terminals. bemenu has an ncurses frontend at least, but unsure of lemonbar replacement...


input is messy, but fcitx seems like the most functional out there at the moment. fcitx-mozc a nice.