diff options
3 files changed, 29 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/.Xresources b/.Xresources
index a7ed7fe..91721b8 100644
--- a/.Xresources
+++ b/.Xresources
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+URxvt*termName: rxvt-256color
! Compile xft: Attempt to find a visual with the given bit depth; option -depth.
URxvt*depth: 32
@@ -8,7 +10,7 @@ URxvt*buffered: on
! URxvt*geometry: geom
! Use the specified colour as the windows background colour [default White]; option -bg.
-URxvt*background: #1C1C1C
+URxvt*background: #080808
! Use the specified colour as the windows foreground colour [default Black]; option -fg.
URxvt*foreground: #FEFEFE
diff --git a/.config/herbstluftwm/autostart b/.config/herbstluftwm/autostart
index 5149925..ee2994c 100755
--- a/.config/herbstluftwm/autostart
+++ b/.config/herbstluftwm/autostart
@@ -113,6 +113,7 @@ hc keybind Mod4-Shift-Control-s spawn urxvt -name "ranger" -e ranger /home/
hc keybind Mod4-Shift-Control-m spawn urxvt -name "ranger" -e ranger /home/shmibs/music
hc keybind Mod4-Shift-Control-g spawn urxvt -name "ranger" -e ranger /home/shmibs/games
hc keybind Mod4-Shift-Control-p spawn urxvt -name "ranger" -e ranger /home/shmibs/projects
+hc keybind Mod4-Shift-Control-r spawn urxvt -name "ranger" -e ranger /home/shmibs/romz
hc keybind Mod4-Shift-Control-i spawn urxvt -name "ranger" -e ranger /home/shmibs/images
hc keybind Mod4-Shift-Control-t spawn urxvt -name "ranger" -e ranger /home/shmibs/thcool
hc keybind Mod4-Shift-Control-v spawn urxvt -name "ranger" -e ranger /home/shmibs/videos
@@ -122,7 +123,7 @@ hc keybind Mod4-c spawn ~/.config/herbstluftwm/colourgrab.sh
# spawn
hc keybind Mod4-Return spawn urxvt
-hc keybind Mod4-Shift-c spawn mate-calc
+hc keybind Mod4-Shift-c spawn gnome-calculator
hc keybind Mod4-Shift-d spawn ~/games/desura/desura
hc keybind Mod4-Shift-f spawn firefox
hc keybind Mod4-Shift-i spawn gimp
@@ -174,7 +175,7 @@ hc rule focus=on
hc rule windowtype~'_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_(NOTIFICATION|DOCK)' manage=off
# set apppropriate things to pseudotile
hc rule windowtype~'_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_(DIALOG|UTILITY|SPLASH)' pseudotile=on focus=on
-hc rule class~'(Mate-calc|MPlayer|Pcsx2|Tilem2)' pseudotile=on focus=on
+hc rule class~'(Gcalctool|Pcsx2|Tilem2)' pseudotile=on focus=on
# unlock, just to be sure
hc unlock
diff --git a/.vimrc b/.vimrc
index 0f247da..e6ef45f 100644
--- a/.vimrc
+++ b/.vimrc
@@ -2,19 +2,31 @@ syntax on
filetype plugin on
set autoindent
+colorscheme calmar256-dark
+set background=dark
"tab controls to match pentadactyl
map <C-n> <Esc>:tabn<CR>
map <C-p> <Esc>:tabp<CR>
map <C-t> <Esc>:tabnew<CR>
"insert lines above and below with (=|+)
-nnoremap = O<Esc>j
-nnoremap + O<Esc>
+"very hackish, but i couldn't think of a better way
+nnoremap = Oa<C-u><Esc>j
+nnoremap + oa<C-u><Esc>k
"disable auto session save/load
let g:session_autosave = 'no'
let g:session_autoload = 'no'
+map fo zO
+map fc zC
+map fm zM
+map fr zR
"copy words from above and below the cursor
inoremap <expr> <c-y> pumvisible() ? "\<c-y>" : matchstr(getline(line('.')-1), '\%' . virtcol('.') . 'v\%(\k\+\\|.\)')
inoremap <expr> <c-e> pumvisible() ? "\<c-e>" : matchstr(getline(line('.')+1), '\%' . virtcol('.') . 'v\%(\k\+\\|.\)')
@@ -37,22 +49,24 @@ if &term != "linux"
xnoremap <expr> P (v:register ==# '"' ? '"+' : '') . 'P'
-"filetype-specific settings. i can't figure out how to stick all the
-"FileTypes in one list (mostly because i have no idea what i'm doing
-"with viml), so separate lines it is.
+"annoying syntax-related values that need to be set before files are
+let g:c_no_comment_fold = 1
+let g:c_no_if0_fold = 1
+"other filetype-specific settings. i can't figure out how to stick all
+"the FileTypes in one list (mostly because i have no idea what i'm
+"doing with viml), so separate lines it is.
autocmd FileType c call Settings_c()
autocmd FileType cpp call Settings_c()
autocmd FileType perl call Settings_perl()
function! Settings_c()
- "i want autoindent as the default, and doing that along with
- "filetype indent on yields wonky results
setlocal cindent
+ set foldmethod=syntax
function! Settings_perl()
- "i want autoindent as the default, and doing that along with
- "filetype indent on yields wonky results
setlocal smartindent