#!/bin/bash ########### # SETUP # ########### monitor=${1:-0} geometry=( $(herbstclient monitor_rect "$monitor") ) if [ -z "$geometry" ] ;then echo "Invalid monitor $monitor" exit 1 fi # geometry has the format W H X Y xpos=${geometry[0]} ypos=${geometry[1]} width=${geometry[2]} # grab standardised colours source ~/.config/init/vars # set alpha for background colours alpha='#ff' std_black=$(echo -n '#ff'; echo "$std_black" | tr -d '#') std_red=$(echo -n '#ff'; echo "$std_red" | tr -d '#') std_green=$(echo -n '#ff'; echo "$std_green" | tr -d '#') std_yellow=$(echo -n '#ff'; echo "$std_yellow" | tr -d '#') std_blue=$(echo -n '#ff'; echo "$std_blue" | tr -d '#') std_magenta=$(echo -n '#ff'; echo "$std_magenta" | tr -d '#') std_cyan=$(echo -n '#ff'; echo "$std_cyan" | tr -d '#') std_white=$(echo -n '#ff'; echo "$std_white" | tr -d '#') light_black=$(echo -n '#ff'; echo "$light_black" | tr -d '#') light_red=$(echo -n '#ff'; echo "$light_red" | tr -d '#') light_green=$(echo -n '#ff'; echo "$light_green" | tr -d '#') light_yellow=$(echo -n '#ff'; echo "$light_yellow" | tr -d '#') light_blue=$(echo -n '#ff'; echo "$light_blue" | tr -d '#') light_magenta=$(echo -n '#ff'; echo "$light_magenta" | tr -d '#') light_cyan=$(echo -n '#ff'; echo "$light_cyan" | tr -d '#') light_white=$(echo -n '#ff'; echo "$light_white" | tr -d '#') bg_normal=$(echo -n $alpha; echo "$bg_normal" | tr -d '#') fg_normal=$(echo -n '#ff'; echo "$fg_normal" | tr -d '#') bg_focus=$(echo -n $alpha; echo "$bg_focus" | tr -d '#') fg_focus=$(echo -n '#ff'; echo "$fg_focus" | tr -d '#') bg_urgent=$(echo -n $alpha; echo "$bg_urgent" | tr -d '#') fg_urgent=$(echo -n '#ff'; echo "$fg_urgent" | tr -d '#') # separator macro sep="%{F${bg_focus}}│%{F${fg_normal}}" hc pad $monitor $bheight ################# # SUBROUTINES # ################# # functions for retrieving and processing data # upon events update_taglist() { echo -n "%{l}%{B${bg_normal} F${fg_normal} U${fg_normal}}" hc tag_status | tr '\t' '\n' | sed \ -e '1d' \ -e '$d' \ -e 's/\(.*\)/\1 /' \ -e 's/:/ /' \ -e "s/^[-%]\(.*\)/%{B${light_black} F${fg_normal}} \1%{B${bg_normal} F${fg_normal}}/" \ -e "s/^[#+]\(.*\)/%{B${bg_focus} F${fg_focus}} \1%{B${bg_normal} F${fg_normal}}/" \ -e "s/^!\(.*\)/%{B${bg_urgent} F${fg_urgent}} \1%{B${bg_normal} F${fg_normal}}/" \ -e "s/^\.\(.*\)/%{B${bg_normal} F${light_black}} \1%{B${bg_normal} F${fg_normal}}/" \ | tr -d '\n' echo "$sep" } update_winlist() { tag_id=$(hc get_attr tags.focus.index) focus_id=$(hc get_attr clients.focus.winid | sed 's/^0x0*//') if [[ -z "$focus_id" ]]; then focus_id=0 fi lines=$(wmctrl -l | sed 's/^0x0*//') # kind of messy. use hc dump's ordering but wmctrl -l for pairing # ids with titles for c in $(hc dump | grep -Eo '0x[0-9a-f]*' | sed 's/^0x0*//'); do echo "$lines" | grep "$c" done | while read -ra line do # is it focussed? if [[ $((16#${line[0]})) -eq $((16#$focus_id)) ]]; then echo -n "%{B${bg_focus} F${fg_focus}} " else echo -n "%{B${bg_normal} F${fg_normal}} " fi { if [[ -z "${line[@]:3}" ]]; then echo -n "(has no name)" else echo -n "${line[@]:3}" fi } | sed -r 's/(.{40})...*/\1\.\.\./' echo -n " " done echo -n "%{B${bg_normal} F${fg_normal}}" } update_date() { echo -n "${sep}%{A:date:} \uE015 " date +$'%a, %b %d, %H:%M:%S' | tr -d '\n' echo " %{A}" } ####################### # OUTPUT CONTAINERS # ####################### # all fields are put in separate elements # tag list fields[1]=$(update_taglist) # window list fields[2]=$(update_winlist) # align right fields[3]="%{r}" # when fields[4]="" # mpd fields[5]="" # conky stats fields[6]="" # date fields[7]="$(update_date)" unique_line() { stdbuf -i0 -o0 uniq } ###################### # EVENT GENERATORS # ###################### # loops for generating a line of information, # with the first element in the line as a # unique identifier for the event type # an event passed once a second event_tick() { while true; do sleep 1 echo "tick" done } event_mpd() { while true; do echo -en "mpd\t" mpc status >/dev/null 2>&1 if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo "disconnected" sleep 5 else if [[ -z "$(mpc status | grep '\[playing\]')" ]]; then if [[ -z "$(mpc status | grep '\[paused\]')" ]]; then echo "stopped" else echo "paused" fi else echo "playing" fi mpc idle player >/dev/null 2>&1 fi done > >(unique_line) } event_stats() { conky -c ~/.config/herbstluftwm/panel/conky_stats } event_when() { while true; do if [[ -z "$(when --future=2 | sed '1,2d')" ]]; then echo -e 'when\t0' else echo -e 'when\t1' fi sleep 10 done > >(unique_line) } ####################### # EVENT MULTIPLEXER # ####################### # the loops defined above are launched and # their outputs multiplexed { event_tick & event_stats & event_when & event_mpd & hc --idle } 2> /dev/null | { ################## # EVENT PARSER # ################## # those lines are then read, one by one, # and the information contained used to # generate the required fields while true; do # split our read lines into an array # for easy parsing IFS=$'\t' read -ra event || break # determine event type and act # accordingly case "${event[0]}" in tick) fields[7]=$(update_date) ;; mpd) fields[5]="${sep}%{A:mpd: F" case "${event[1]}" in playing) fields[5]+=$(echo -n "${light_green}} \uE0FE \uE09A") ;; paused) fields[5]+=$(echo -n "${light_yellow}} \uE0FE \uE09B") ;; stopped) fields[5]+=$(echo -n "${light_blue}} \uE0FE \uE099") ;; *) fields[5]+=$(echo -n "${light_red}} \uE0FE \uE09E") ;; esac fields[5]+=" %{F${fg_normal} A}" ;; stats) event[1]=$(printf "%-4s" ${event[1]}) event[2]=$(printf "%-4s" ${event[2]}) fields[6]=$( echo -n "${sep}%{A:stats:} " echo -n "%{F${light_blue}}\uE023%{F${fg_normal}} ${event[1]} " echo -n "%{F${light_cyan}}\uE020%{F${fg_normal}} ${event[2]} " echo -n "%{A}") ;; when) if [[ "${event[1]}" -eq 1 ]]; then fields[4]=$(echo -n "${sep}%{A:when:}" echo -n "%{F${light_red}} \uE0AE %{F${fg_normal} A}") else fields[4]="" fi ;; # hc events focus_changed|window_title_changed) fields[2]=$(update_winlist) ;; tag_changed|tag_flags) fields[1]=$(update_taglist) fields[2]=$(update_winlist) ;; quit_panel|reload) kill -- -$$ exit ;; *) ;; esac # finally, echo all the fields in order printf '%b' "${fields[@]}" '\n' done # pass the events into bar } 2> /dev/null | lemonbar -f "$ifont" -o "$ifont_off" \ -f "${bfont}:size=${bfont_size}" -o "$bfont_off" \ -f "${jfont}:size=${jfont_size}" -o "$jfont_off" \ -g${width}x${bheight}+${xpos}+${ypos} \ -B ${bg_normal} -F ${fg_normal} | \ { ##################### # COMMAND HANDLER # ##################### # finally, take the output from bar and execute commands while read command; do case "$command" in date) notify-send "$(cal)" ;; mpd) ~/.config/herbstluftwm/mpc-status.sh ;; stats) urxvt -e htop & ;; when) notify-send "$(when)" ;; *) ;; esac done }