{ echo "\ ! Use the specified colour as the windows background colour [default White]; option -bg. URxvt*background: $bg_normal ! Use the specified colour as the windows foreground colour [default Black]; option -fg. URxvt*foreground: $fg_normal ! black URxvt*color0: $std_black ! light black URxvt*color8: $light_black ! red URxvt*color1: $std_red ! light red URxvt*color9: $light_red ! green URxvt*color2: $std_green ! light green URxvt*color10: $light_green ! yellow URxvt*color3: $std_yellow ! light yellow URxvt*color11: $light_yellow ! blue URxvt*color4: $std_blue ! light blue URxvt*color12: $light_blue ! magenta URxvt*color5: $std_magenta ! light magenta URxvt*color13: $light_magenta ! cyan URxvt*color6: $std_cyan ! light cyan URxvt*color14: $light_cyan ! white URxvt*color7: $std_white ! light white URxvt*color15: $light_white " # Select the fonts to be used. This is a comma separated list of font names that are checked in order when trying to find glyphs for characters. The first font echo -n "URxvt*font: " echo -n "xft:${mfont}:size=${mfont_size}, " echo -n "xft:${jfont}:size=${jfont_size}, " echo -n "xft:${cfont}:size=${cfont_size}, " echo -n "xft:${efont}:size=${efont_size}, " echo "xft:${bkfont}:size=${bkfont_size}" [[ -n $urxvt_bg ]] && echo "URxvt*backgroundPixmap: $HOME/backdrops/urxvt/$urxvt_bg" } > /tmp/urxvt-theme