############ # themes # ############ # # Pink # # wallpaper='kuvshinov-ilya.png' # # std_black='#262626' # std_red='#ed4047' # std_green='#72c76f' # std_yellow='#f0b73d' # std_blue='#0075a6' # std_magenta='#d95784' # std_cyan='#5afad4' # std_white='#e5e8ca' # # light_black='#566a72' # light_red='#ff666c' # light_green='#a2f7a1' # light_yellow='#ffcf69' # light_blue='#0094bf' # light_magenta='#e07499' # light_cyan='#a6f5df' # light_white='#ffffff' # # bg_normal="$std_black" # fg_normal="$std_white" # bg_focus="$std_magenta" # fg_focus="$light_white" # bg_urgent="$std_red" # fg_urgent="$light_white" # bar_bg="$bg_normal" # bar_fg="$fg_normal" # # Undercover # # wallpaper='undercover.jpg' # # std_black='#26201d' # std_red='#ed4047' # std_green='#72c76f' # std_yellow='#d86d59' # std_blue='#0075a6' # std_magenta='#d95784' # std_cyan='#5afad4' # std_white='#e8ddc3' # # light_black='#453832' # light_red='#ff666c' # light_green='#a2f7a1' # light_yellow='#eb9483' # light_blue='#0094bf' # light_magenta='#e07499' # light_cyan='#a6f5df' # light_white='#ffffff' # # bg_normal="$std_black" # fg_normal="$std_white" # bg_focus="$std_yellow" # fg_focus="$light_white" # bg_urgent="$std_red" # fg_urgent="$light_white" # bar_bg="$bg_normal" # bar_fg="$fg_normal" # # Fly # # wallpaper='fly.png' # # std_black='#171717' # std_red='#bc306c' # std_green='#30845c' # std_yellow='#d68748' # std_blue='#2874c4' # std_magenta='#8957eb' # std_cyan='#18adb8' # std_white='#f4f0e8' # # light_black='#4d4d4d' # light_red='#d890aa' # light_green='#4fa87e' # light_yellow='#dbd558' # light_blue='#71aceb' # light_magenta='#847eed' # light_cyan='#84e6ed' # light_white='#ffffff' # # bg_normal="$std_black" # fg_normal="$std_white" # bg_focus="$std_blue" # fg_focus="$light_white" # bg_urgent="$std_red" # fg_urgent="$light_white" # bar_bg="$bg_normal" # bar_fg="$fg_normal" # # Smooch # # wallpaper='smooch.png' # # std_black='#0d0206' # std_red='#660000' # std_green='#1a800d' # std_yellow='#666200' # std_blue='#4c4cbd' # std_magenta='#690da6' # std_cyan='#04a477' # std_white='#c9aab3' # # light_black='#420d23' # light_red='#9e0000' # light_green='#56e168' # light_yellow='#d1cd5c' # light_blue='#8383eb' # light_magenta='#9836d9' # light_cyan='#44dbb1' # light_white='#ffffff' # # bg_normal="$std_black" # fg_normal="$std_white" # bg_focus="$light_black" # fg_focus="$light_green" # bg_urgent="$light_red" # fg_urgent="$light_white" # bar_bg="$bg_normal" # bar_fg="$fg_normal" # # Hello, Friend # # wallpaper='hello, friend.png' # # std_black='#12140e' # std_red='#586646' # std_green='#353d2a' # std_yellow='#6a7a54' # std_blue="$std_green" # std_magenta="$std_red" # std_cyan="$std_green" # std_white='#475238' # # light_black='#23291c' # light_red="$std_red" # light_green="$std_green" # light_yellow="$std_yellow" # light_blue="$std_yellow" # light_magenta="$std_magenta" # light_cyan="$std_cyan" # light_white='#8da370' # # bg_normal="$std_black" # fg_normal="$std_white" # bg_focus="$std_white" # fg_focus="$std_black" # bg_urgent="$light_black" # fg_urgent="$light_white" # bar_bg="$bg_normal" # bar_fg="$fg_normal" # # No Matter Where # # wallpaper='no matter where.png' # # std_black='#000000' # std_red='#c32752' # std_green='#7c8f5d' # std_yellow='#ffbe66' # std_blue='#644cbd' # std_magenta='#d8679f' # std_cyan='#67a477' # std_white='#f4c6bc' # # light_black='#2e1817' # light_red='#d86785' # light_green='#c4d197' # light_yellow='#f6d09d' # light_blue='#a085e6' # light_magenta='#f783c7' # light_cyan='#b7c9b3' # light_white='#fff7f5' # # bg_normal="$std_black" # fg_normal="$std_white" # bg_focus="$light_red" # fg_focus="$light_white" # bg_urgent="$std_red" # fg_urgent="$light_white" # bar_bg="$bg_normal" # bar_fg="$fg_normal" # # 花嫁 # # #wallpaper='花嫁.png' # #std_black='#101014' #std_red='#85595a' #std_green='#72a68f' #std_yellow='#93896e' #std_blue='#3d4361' #std_magenta='#b0546c' #std_cyan='#4c6a70' #std_white='#b8bbd6' # #light_black='#22222c' #light_red='#a66f70' #light_green='#abe0c9' #light_yellow='#c3e0ab' #light_blue='#676fa6' #light_magenta='#d86785' #light_cyan='#638a91' #light_white='#cdd1ec' # #bg_normal="$std_black" #fg_normal="$std_white" #bg_focus="$std_blue" #fg_focus="$light_white" #bg_urgent="$std_red" #fg_urgent="$light_white" # #bar_bg="$bg_normal" #bar_fg="$fg_normal" # # lily # # wallpaper='lily.png' # # std_black='#0f0f0e' # std_red='#8e4b40' # std_green='#c7d276' # std_yellow='#f5b45c' # std_blue='#52818c' # std_magenta='#e07388' # std_cyan='#60b8a8' # std_white='#faf1df' # # light_black='#292721' # light_red='#c25948' # light_green='#8ceba4' # light_yellow='#ffab84' # light_blue='#7fbcc7' # light_magenta='#e09fc4' # light_cyan='#7fd6b7' # light_white='#faf5eb' # # bg_normal="$std_black" # fg_normal="$std_white" # bg_focus="$std_red" # fg_focus="$light_white" # bg_urgent="$std_magenta" # fg_urgent="$light_white" # # bar_bg="$bg_normal" # bar_fg="$fg_normal" # # わがまま # # wallpaper='わがまま.png' # # std_black='#331a24' # std_red='#692c2d' # std_green='#326e45' # std_yellow='#995d37' # std_blue='#444c80' # std_magenta='#9f3e81' # std_cyan='#2b586b' # std_white='#eae4d7' # # light_black='#4d2836' # light_red='#8f5253' # light_green='#4e9464' # light_yellow='#d69973' # light_blue='#5d67a6' # light_magenta='#c983b4' # light_cyan='#38687d' # light_white='#eae4d7' # # bg_normal="$std_white" # fg_normal="$std_black" # bg_focus="$std_red" # fg_focus="$light_white" # bg_urgent="$std_blue" # fg_urgent="$light_white" # # bar_bg="$std_black" # bar_fg="$std_white" # # light_colours=true # # urxvt_bg='わがまま.png;style=tiled' # # kuro # wallpaper='kuro.jpg' std_black='#100e10' std_red='#9e3e00' std_green='#248753' std_yellow='#b28158' std_blue='#405c90' std_magenta='#763d3f' std_cyan='#52aea0' std_white='#d7dbda' light_black='#2f2c2f' light_red='#d76f0e' light_green='#569822' light_yellow='#dbb460' light_blue='#558b9f' light_magenta='#b04857' light_cyan='#52e1db' light_white='#f3fdf4' bg_normal="$std_black" fg_normal="$std_white" bg_focus="$std_magenta" fg_focus="$light_white" bg_urgent="$std_red" fg_urgent="$light_white" bar_bg="$bg_normal" bar_fg="$fg_normal" ############### # misc vars # ############### bheight=20 # icon font ifont='-*-stlarch-medium-r-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*' ifont_off='-3' # jp font jfont='Noto Sans Mono CJK JP' jfont_size='10' # c font cfont='Noto Sans Mono CJK SC' cfont_size='10' # thai font tfont='Noto Sans Thai' tfont_size='10' # emoji font efont='Noto Emoji' efont_size='10' # backup font bkfont='Symbola' bkfont_size='9.5' bkfont_off='-2' # main font mfont='Droid Sans Mono Dotted' mfont_size='9.5' # bar font bfont="$mfont" bfont_size='8.5' bfont_off='-2' # bar jp font bjfont="$jfont" bjfont_size='9.5' bjfont_off='-1' # bar c font bcfont="$cfont" bcfont_size='9.5' bcfont_off='-1' # bar emoji font befont="$efont" befont_size='9.5' befont_off='-1' # monitor dpi can be on-the-fly overridden by using "startx" instead of alias sx dpi=92 # is this computer a tablet? tablet_mode="" kbrate=25 kbdelay=300 # use overrides, if any if [ -f ~/.config/init/voverride ]; then source ~/.config/init/voverride else if [ -f /home/shmibs/.config/init/voverride ]; then source /home/shmibs/.config/init/voverride fi fi dmenu_args=( -fn "${bfont}:size=${bfont_size}" -h "$bheight" -nb "$bg_normal" -nf "$fg_normal" -sb "$bg_focus" -sf "$fg_focus" ) ########################## # convenience function # ########################## hc() { herbstclient "$@" }