simple-opt ========== data types ---------- ### struct simple_opt an array of `struct simple_opt`, terminating in an element with a `type` field equal to `SIMPLE_OPT_END`, must be passed when parsing or usage printing. the fields which should be defined in these elements are: ``` enum simple_opt_type type; const char short_name; const char *long_name; bool arg_is_required; /* optional, used for usage printing */ const char *description; /* optional, a custom string describing the arg, used for usage printing */ const char *custom_arg_string; ``` if `type` is `SIMPLE_OPT_FLAG`, this option may not accept arguments. if `type` is `SIMPLE_OPT_END`, parsing and usage printing will return at this point when iterating through the array and will not see any elements which may follow. `short_name` is optional, and may be undefined for this option by passing '\0'. `long_name` is also optional, and may be left undefined for this option by passing `NULL`. however, at fewest one of these two must be defined for every option. the fields which are set by `simple_opt_parse` are: ``` bool was_seen; bool arg_is_stored; union { bool val_bool; int val_int; unsigned val_unsigned; char val_string[SIMPLE_OPT_ARG_MAX_WIDTH]; }; ``` `was_seen` indicates if this option was encountered during parsing, `arg_is_stored` if an argument was passed to the option, and the `val_` fields contain the value passed (with the correct field to set being determined by the `type` field shown above). options of the following types: ``` SIMPLE_OPT_BOOL, SIMPLE_OPT_INT, SIMPLE_OPT_UNSIGNED, SIMPLE_OPT_STRING, ``` take arguments. if the user passes a short option on the cli, that options argument is passed as the following cli argument, like so: ``` ./a.out -x ``` if the user passes a long option on the cli, that option's argument can be passed either as the following cli argument or following an `=` typed at the end of the argument, like so: ``` ./a.out --opt-x ./a.out --opt-x= ``` arguments acceptable to type `SIMPLE_OPT_BOOL` are `true`, `yes`, or `on`, all of which result in a value of true, and `false`, `no`, or `off`, which result in a value of false. arguments acceptable to type `SIMPLE_OPT_INT` must be decimal integers (that is digit-only strings) with an optional leading sign indicator of `-` or `+`. arguments acceptable to type `SIMPLE_OPT_UNSIGNED` must be decimal integers (that is digit-only strings). arguments acceptable to type `SIMPLE_OPT_STRING` may be any string of characters the user passes. ### struct simple_opt_result ``` struct simple_opt_result { enum simple_opt_result_type result_type; enum simple_opt_type option_type; char option_string[SIMPLE_OPT_OPT_MAX_WIDTH]; char argument_string[SIMPLE_OPT_OPT_ARG_MAX_WIDTH]; int argc; char *argv[SIMPLE_OPT_MAX_ARGC]; }; ``` `simple_opt_parse` returns a `struct simple_opt_result`. upon successful parsing, its `result_type` field will contain `SIMPLE_OPT_RESULT_SUCCESS`. otherwise, it will contain an error which should be handled by the caller. the first three are user-caused errors: ``` SIMPLE_OPT_RESULT_UNRECOGNISED_OPTION, SIMPLE_OPT_RESULT_BAD_ARG, SIMPLE_OPT_RESULT_MISSING_ARG, ``` in the case of `SIMPLE_OPT_RESULT_UNRECOGNISED_OPTION`, `option_string` will contain the unrecognised option which was passed. if the type is `SIMPLE_OPT_BAD_ARG`, then `option_string` will be set, `option_type` will be set to the type of that option (`SIMPLE_OPT_BOOL` etc), and the bad argument will be stored in `argument_string`. if the type is `SIMPLE_OPT_MISSING_ARG`, `option_string` and `option_type` will be set. the remaining result types are internal errors: ``` SIMPLE_OPT_RESULT_ARG_TOO_LONG, SIMPLE_OPT_RESULT_TOO_MANY_ARGS, SIMPLE_OPT_RESULT_MALFORMED_OPTION_STRUCT, ``` `SIMPLE_OPT_RESULT_OPT_ARG_TOO_LONG` will be returned if an option argument, passed on the command line by a user, was too long for the internal buffer. the internal buffer can be resized by defining `SIMPLE_OPT_OPT_MAX_WIDTH` at some point before `simple-opt.h` is included. `SIMPLE_OPT_RESULT_TOO_MANY_ARGS` is returned if the user passed too many non-option arguments to the command for its internal argv filter buffer. this limit can also be resized by defining `SIMPLE_OPT_MAX_ARGC` finally, `SIMPLE_OPT_RESULT_MALFORMED_OPTION_STRUCT` is returned if the programmer has passed a `struct simple_opt` array which contains disallowed option configurations (that is, two options share a `short_name` or `long_name`, an option has neither a `short_name` nor a `long_name`, or an option of type `SIMPLE_OPT_FLAG` is marked as requiring an argument) functions --------- `simple-opt.h` defines two functions for external use, `simple_opt_parse` and `simple_opt_print_usage`. any other functions are prefixed `sub_simple_opt` and should not be called directly (their visibility is a by-product of simple-opt's single header file nature) ### simple_opt_parse `simple_opt_parse` takes three arguments and returns a `struct simple_opt_result`: ``` static struct simple_opt_result simple_opt_parse(int argc, char **argv, struct simple_opt *options); ``` `argc` is the number of arguments contained in `argv`, and `argv` is an array of character string pointers. normally here the programmer would just pass on the `argc` and `argv` received as arguments from the `main` function. `struct simple_opt` is an array of the options available to be parsed (described above) and `struct simple_opt_result` contains a set of results about that parsing (also described above). ### simple_opt_print_usage `simple_opt_print_usage` takes six arguments and prints a neatly-formatted usage message, similar to those typical of GNU cli commands: ``` static void simple_opt_print_usage(FILE *f, unsigned width, char *usage_name, char *usage_options, char *usage_summary, struct simple_opt *options); ``` `f` is a file pointer to which the message should be printed `width` is the column width to which the output should be word-wrapped (passing 0 disables wrapping). a reasonable value here would be 80, but this could also be used to allow more dynamic behaviour (e.g. using something like `ncurses` or `ioctl` to get the users's current terminal width) `usage_name` is the name of the command as it will be printed in the usage statement. easiest is just to pass `argv[0]` here. `usage_options` is a summary of what options the command takes (e.g. something like `[OPTION]...`) together, these two result in something that looks like: ``` Usage: ./a.out [OPTION]... ``` if both `usage_name` and `usage_options` are `NULL`, this initial line will not be printed, allowing more flexibility to the programmer (if you wanted to, for example, print multiple such lines on your own in order to represent different use-cases) `usage_summary` is usually a one or two sentence overview summary of how the command behaves. if this is left as `NULL`, no summary will be printed. the final argument, `struct simple_opt *options`, is an array of options as defined above. *note:* usage printing's word wrap operates under the assumptions that your language delimits words with spaces (i.e. "when i was a child..." vs. "子供時代に..."), that the font used is fixed-width, and that every character occupies one column (that is, there are no wide characters, combining diacritics, etc) and one byte (no multi-byte utf-8 characters). if these assumptions do not apply to your use case, you should use an alternative method for usage printing.