#ifndef SIMPLE_OPT_H #define SIMPLE_OPT_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* the maximum number of options that can be passed on the cli */ #ifndef SIMPLE_OPT_MAX_ARGC #define SIMPLE_OPT_MAX_ARGC 1024 #endif /* the maximum allowed width for an option passed on the cli */ #ifndef SIMPLE_OPT_OPT_MAX_WIDTH #define SIMPLE_OPT_OPT_MAX_WIDTH 512 #endif /* the maximum allowed width for an option's argument passed on the cli */ #ifndef SIMPLE_OPT_OPT_ARG_MAX_WIDTH #define SIMPLE_OPT_OPT_ARG_MAX_WIDTH 2048 #endif /* an internal print buffer width for usage printing. you shouldn't have to * worry about this if you're sane */ #ifndef SIMPLE_OPT_PRINT_BUFFER_WIDTH #define SIMPLE_OPT_PRINT_BUFFER_WIDTH 2048 #endif enum simple_opt_type { SIMPLE_OPT_FLAG, SIMPLE_OPT_BOOL, SIMPLE_OPT_INT, SIMPLE_OPT_UNSIGNED, SIMPLE_OPT_DOUBLE, SIMPLE_OPT_CHAR, SIMPLE_OPT_STRING, SIMPLE_OPT_STRING_SET, SIMPLE_OPT_END, }; struct simple_opt { enum simple_opt_type type; const char short_name; const char *long_name; bool arg_is_required; /* optional, a description of the option used for usage printing */ const char *description; /* optional, a custom string describing the arg, used for usage printing */ const char *custom_arg_string; /* required for type SIMPLE_OPT_STRING_SET, a NULL-terminated array of * string possibilities against which an option's argument is matched */ const char **string_set; /* values assigned upon successful option parse */ bool was_seen; bool arg_is_stored; union { bool v_bool; long v_int; unsigned long v_unsigned; double v_double; char v_char; char v_string[SIMPLE_OPT_OPT_ARG_MAX_WIDTH]; int v_string_set_idx; } val; }; enum simple_opt_result_type { SIMPLE_OPT_RESULT_SUCCESS, SIMPLE_OPT_RESULT_UNRECOGNISED_OPTION, SIMPLE_OPT_RESULT_BAD_ARG, SIMPLE_OPT_RESULT_MISSING_ARG, SIMPLE_OPT_RESULT_OPT_ARG_TOO_LONG, SIMPLE_OPT_RESULT_TOO_MANY_ARGS, SIMPLE_OPT_RESULT_MALFORMED_OPTION_STRUCT, }; struct simple_opt_result { enum simple_opt_result_type result_type; enum simple_opt_type option_type; char option_string[SIMPLE_OPT_OPT_MAX_WIDTH]; char argument_string[SIMPLE_OPT_OPT_ARG_MAX_WIDTH]; struct simple_opt *option; int argc; char *argv[SIMPLE_OPT_MAX_ARGC]; }; static struct simple_opt_result simple_opt_parse(int argc, char **argv, struct simple_opt *options); static void simple_opt_print_usage(FILE *f, unsigned width, char *command_name, char *command_options, char *command_summary, struct simple_opt *options); static void simple_opt_print_error(FILE *f, unsigned width, char *command_name, struct simple_opt_result result); /* * internal definitions * */ static bool sub_simple_opt_parse(struct simple_opt *o, char *s) { unsigned i, j; char *str, *cp; bool match; switch (o->type) { case SIMPLE_OPT_BOOL: goto loop; strmatch: for (j = 0; j < strlen(str); j++) { if (s[j] == '\0' || tolower(s[j]) != str[j]) { match = false; goto strmatch_out; } } match = true; goto strmatch_out; loop: for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { switch (i) { case 0: str = "true"; goto strmatch; case 1: str = "yes"; goto strmatch; case 2: str = "on"; goto strmatch; case 3: str = "false"; goto strmatch; case 4: str = "no"; goto strmatch; case 5: str = "off"; goto strmatch; } strmatch_out: if (match) { if (i < 3) o->val.v_bool = true; else o->val.v_bool = false; return true; } } return false; case SIMPLE_OPT_INT: errno = 0; o->val.v_int = strtol(s, &cp, 0); if (cp == s || *cp != '\0' || errno) return false; return true; case SIMPLE_OPT_UNSIGNED: if (s[0] == '-' || s[0] == '+') return false; errno = 0; o->val.v_unsigned = strtoul(s, &cp, 0); if (cp == s || *cp != '\0' || errno) return false; return true; case SIMPLE_OPT_DOUBLE: errno = 0; o->val.v_double = strtod(s, &cp); if (cp == s || *cp != '\0' || errno) return false; return true; case SIMPLE_OPT_CHAR: if (strlen(s) != 1) return false; o->val.v_char = s[0]; return true; case SIMPLE_OPT_STRING: if (strlen(s) + 1 >= SIMPLE_OPT_OPT_ARG_MAX_WIDTH) return false; strcpy(o->val.v_string, s); return true; case SIMPLE_OPT_STRING_SET: for (i = 0; o->string_set[i] != NULL; i++) { if (!strcmp(s, o->string_set[i])) { o->val.v_string_set_idx = i; return true; } } return false; default: return false; } } static int sub_simple_opt_id(char *s, struct simple_opt *o) { int i; char c; if (strlen(s) < 2) return -1; if (s[1] != '-') { if (strlen(s) > 2) return -1; for (i = 0; o[i].type != SIMPLE_OPT_END; i++) { if (s[1] == o[i].short_name) return i; } return -1; } for (i = 0; o[i].type != SIMPLE_OPT_END; i++) { if ( o[i].long_name != NULL && !strncmp(s + 2, o[i].long_name, strlen(o[i].long_name)) ) { c = s[2 + strlen(o[i].long_name)]; if (c == '\0' || c == '=') return i; } } return -1; } static struct simple_opt_result simple_opt_parse(int argc, char **argv, struct simple_opt *options) { int i, j, opt_i; int arg_end; char c; char *s; struct simple_opt_result r; /* check for malformed options */ for (i = 0; options[i].type != SIMPLE_OPT_END; i++) { if ( (options[i].short_name == '\0' && options[i].long_name == NULL) || (options[i].type == SIMPLE_OPT_FLAG && options[i].arg_is_required) || (options[i].type == SIMPLE_OPT_STRING_SET && options[i].string_set == NULL) ) { r.result_type = SIMPLE_OPT_RESULT_MALFORMED_OPTION_STRUCT; goto end; } } /* check for duplicate options. can't modify anything so this is going to * be pretty not-optimised, but ah well */ for (i = 0; options[i].type != SIMPLE_OPT_END; i++) { for (j = 0; options[j].type != SIMPLE_OPT_END; j++) { if (i != j && ( ( options[i].short_name != '\0' && options[j].short_name != '\0' && options[i].short_name == options[j].short_name) || ( options[i].long_name != NULL && options[j].long_name != NULL && !strcmp(options[i].long_name, options[j].long_name)) ) ) { r.result_type = SIMPLE_OPT_RESULT_MALFORMED_OPTION_STRUCT; goto end; } } } r.argc = 0; r.result_type = SIMPLE_OPT_RESULT_SUCCESS; for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { /* "following are non-opts" marker */ if ( !strcmp(argv[i], "--") ) { i++; break; } /* if not an opt, add to r.argv */ if (argv[i][0] != '-') { if (r.argc + 1 > SIMPLE_OPT_MAX_ARGC) { r.result_type = SIMPLE_OPT_RESULT_TOO_MANY_ARGS; goto end; } r.argv[r.argc] = argv[i]; r.argc++; continue; } /* unrecognised argument */ if (strlen(argv[i]) < 2) { r.result_type = SIMPLE_OPT_RESULT_UNRECOGNISED_OPTION; goto opt_copy_and_return; } /* identify this option */ opt_i = sub_simple_opt_id(argv[i], options); if (opt_i == -1) { r.result_type = SIMPLE_OPT_RESULT_UNRECOGNISED_OPTION; goto opt_copy_and_return; } options[opt_i].was_seen = true; if (options[opt_i].type == SIMPLE_OPT_FLAG) continue; /* if there's an arg, is it a separate element in argv? or is it passed * as "--X=arg"? */ if (argv[i][1] == '-') c = argv[i][2 + strlen(options[opt_i].long_name)]; else c = '\0'; /* if this option doesn't require an arg and none is to be found, * just continue */ if (!options[opt_i].arg_is_required && c == '\0') { if (i + 1 >= argc) continue; if (!strcmp(argv[i+1], "--")) continue; if (sub_simple_opt_id(argv[i+1], options) != -1) continue; } if (c == '\0') { if (i + 1 >= argc) { r.result_type = SIMPLE_OPT_RESULT_MISSING_ARG; r.option_type = options[opt_i].type; r.option = options + opt_i; goto opt_copy_and_return; } s = argv[i+1]; } else { if (argv[i][3 + strlen(options[opt_i].long_name)] == '\0') { r.result_type = SIMPLE_OPT_RESULT_MISSING_ARG; r.option_type = options[opt_i].type; r.option = options + opt_i; goto opt_copy_and_return; } s = argv[i] + 3 + strlen(options[opt_i].long_name); } /* is there space for the arg (if this opt wants a string)? */ if (options[opt_i].type == SIMPLE_OPT_STRING && strlen(s) + 1 >= SIMPLE_OPT_OPT_ARG_MAX_WIDTH) { r.result_type = SIMPLE_OPT_RESULT_OPT_ARG_TOO_LONG; r.option_type = options[opt_i].type; r.option = options + opt_i; goto opt_copy_and_return; } /* try to actually parse the thing */ if (sub_simple_opt_parse(&(options[opt_i]), s) ) { options[opt_i].arg_is_stored = true; /* skip forwards in argv if this wasn't an "="-type argument * passing */ if (i + 1 < argc && s == argv[i+1]) i++; } else { r.result_type = SIMPLE_OPT_RESULT_BAD_ARG; r.option_type = options[opt_i].type; strncpy(r.argument_string, s, SIMPLE_OPT_OPT_ARG_MAX_WIDTH - 1); r.argument_string[SIMPLE_OPT_OPT_ARG_MAX_WIDTH - 1] = '\0'; r.option = options + opt_i; goto opt_copy_and_return; } continue; } /* copy anything that follows -- into r.argv */ for (; i < argc; i++, r.argc++) r.argv[r.argc] = argv[i]; end: return r; opt_copy_and_return: for(arg_end = 0; argv[i][arg_end] != '=' && argv[i][arg_end] != '\0'; arg_end++); strncpy(r.option_string, argv[i], SIMPLE_OPT_OPT_MAX_WIDTH - 1 < arg_end ? SIMPLE_OPT_OPT_MAX_WIDTH - 1 : arg_end); r.option_string[SIMPLE_OPT_OPT_MAX_WIDTH - 1 < arg_end ? SIMPLE_OPT_OPT_MAX_WIDTH -1 : arg_end] = '\0'; goto end; } static int sub_simple_opt_wrap_print(FILE *f, unsigned width, unsigned col, unsigned line_start, const char *s) { bool add_newline = false, first_word = true, first_line = true; unsigned i, j, word_start, word_end; if (width != 0 && line_start >= width) { line_start = 0; add_newline = true; } if (width != 0 && col >= width) add_newline = true; if (add_newline) { fprintf(f, "\n"); col = 0; first_line = false; } /* print out the message, trying to wrap at words */ word_start = 0; while (1) { /* find the next word */ while ( isspace(s[word_start]) ) word_start++; /* null appeared before any non-spaces */ if (s[word_start] == '\0') return col; word_end = word_start; while ( (s[word_end] != '\0') && !isspace(s[word_end]) ) word_end++; /* buffer up to line_start with spaces */ while (col < line_start + 2 * (!first_line && width > 40 && line_start > 5)) { fprintf(f, " "); col++; } /* if too little space left, wrap */ if (width != 0 && col + (word_end - word_start) + (first_word ? 0 : 1) > width && first_word == false) { fprintf(f, "\n"); first_line = false; /* buffer up to line_start with spaces */ col = 0; while (col < line_start + 2 * (!first_line && width > 40 && line_start > 5)) { fprintf(f, " "); col++; } first_word = true; } if (first_word == false) { fprintf(f, " "); col++; } /* if too long, print piecemeal */ if (width != 0 && (line_start + (word_end - word_start) > width || (first_word && col + (word_end - word_start) > width)) ) { j = word_start; while (1) { for (i = 0; col < width && j < word_end; i++, j++) { fprintf(f, "%c", s[j]); col++; } if (j == word_end) break; col = 0; fprintf(f, "\n"); first_line = false; while (col < line_start + 2 * (!first_line && width > 40 && line_start > 5)) { fprintf(f, " "); col++; } } /* else just print and move to the next word */ } else { for (i = 0; i < word_end - word_start; i++) fprintf(f, "%c", s[word_start + i]); col += i; } word_start = word_end; first_word = false; } return col; } static void simple_opt_print_usage(FILE *f, unsigned width, char *command_name, char *command_options, char *command_summary, struct simple_opt *options) { char print_buffer[SIMPLE_OPT_PRINT_BUFFER_WIDTH]; unsigned i, j, col, print_buffer_offset, desc_line_start; /* calculate the required line_start for printing descriptions (leaving * space for the widest existing long-option) */ /* check for space for column 1 (short_name) */ if (5 >= SIMPLE_OPT_PRINT_BUFFER_WIDTH) { fprintf(f, "simple-opt internal err: print buffer too small\n"); return; } /* 4 to start with, leaving space for " -X " */ desc_line_start = 5; /* check for space for column 2 (long_name / arg type) */ for (i = 0; options[i].type != SIMPLE_OPT_END; i++) { j = 0; /* 3 for "--" and "=" */ if (options[i].long_name != NULL) j += 3 + strlen(options[i].long_name); /* 2 for optional args, where arg is wrapped in [] */ if (!options[i].arg_is_required && options[i].type != SIMPLE_OPT_FLAG) j += 2; /* the width of the arg type string (BOOL, INT, UNSIGNED, STRING etc) * FLAGs don't take an argument, so 0 */ if (options[i].type != SIMPLE_OPT_FLAG) { /* if there's a custom string, use that width. else, use one of the * default widths */ if (options[i].custom_arg_string != NULL) { j += strlen(options[i].custom_arg_string); } else { switch (options[i].type) { case SIMPLE_OPT_BOOL: j += 4; break; case SIMPLE_OPT_INT: j += 3; break; case SIMPLE_OPT_UNSIGNED: j += 8; break; case SIMPLE_OPT_DOUBLE: j += 6; break; case SIMPLE_OPT_CHAR: j += 4; break; case SIMPLE_OPT_STRING: case SIMPLE_OPT_STRING_SET: j += 6; break; default: break; } } } /* 5 for leading " -X ", 2 for trailing " " */ if (desc_line_start < j + 5 + 2) desc_line_start = j + 5 + 2; } /* check for space for long_name printing */ if (desc_line_start - 5 - 2 >= SIMPLE_OPT_PRINT_BUFFER_WIDTH) { fprintf(f, "simple-opt internal err: usage print buffer too small\n"); return; } /* if the desc_line_start is so far over it threatens readability, move it * back a bit and just let the offending longer args be offset */ if (desc_line_start > (width / 2 < 30 ? width / 2 : 30)) desc_line_start = (width / 2 < 30 ? width / 2 : 30); /* * printing * */ /* print "Usage: */ if (command_name != NULL && command_options != NULL) { col = sub_simple_opt_wrap_print(f, width, 0, 0, "Usage:"); col = sub_simple_opt_wrap_print(f, width, col, 7, command_name); if (command_options != NULL) sub_simple_opt_wrap_print(f, width, col, 7 + strlen(command_name) + 1, command_options); fprintf(f, "\n\n"); } /* print summary line */ if (command_summary != NULL) { sub_simple_opt_wrap_print(f, width, 0, 2, command_summary); fprintf(f, "\n\n"); } /* print option list */ for (i = 0; options[i].type != SIMPLE_OPT_END; i++) { /* print column 1 (short name) */ if (options[i].short_name != '\0') { if (sprintf(print_buffer, "-%c", options[i].short_name) < 0) { fprintf(f, "\nsimple-opt internal err: encoding error printing" "option %i\n", i); return; } } else { sprintf(print_buffer, "%c", '\0'); } col = sub_simple_opt_wrap_print(f, width, 0, 2, print_buffer); /* print column 2 (long_name and type) */ sprintf(print_buffer, "%c", '\0'); print_buffer_offset = 0; if (options[i].long_name != NULL) { sprintf(print_buffer, "--"); print_buffer_offset = 2; if (sprintf(print_buffer + print_buffer_offset, "%s", options[i].long_name) < 0) { fprintf(f, "\nsimple-opt internal err: encoding error printing" "option %i\n", i); return; } print_buffer_offset += strlen(options[i].long_name); } if (!options[i].arg_is_required && options[i].type != SIMPLE_OPT_FLAG) { sprintf(print_buffer + print_buffer_offset, "["); print_buffer_offset++; } if (options[i].long_name != NULL && options[i].type != SIMPLE_OPT_FLAG) { sprintf(print_buffer + print_buffer_offset, "="); print_buffer_offset++; } if (options[i].type != SIMPLE_OPT_FLAG) { if (options[i].custom_arg_string != NULL) { sprintf(print_buffer + print_buffer_offset, "%s", options[i].custom_arg_string); print_buffer_offset += strlen(options[i].custom_arg_string); } else { switch (options[i].type) { case SIMPLE_OPT_BOOL: sprintf(print_buffer + print_buffer_offset, "BOOL"); print_buffer_offset += 4; break; case SIMPLE_OPT_INT: sprintf(print_buffer + print_buffer_offset, "INT"); print_buffer_offset += 3; break; case SIMPLE_OPT_UNSIGNED: sprintf(print_buffer + print_buffer_offset, "UNSIGNED"); print_buffer_offset += 8; break; case SIMPLE_OPT_DOUBLE: sprintf(print_buffer + print_buffer_offset, "DOUBLE"); print_buffer_offset += 6; break; case SIMPLE_OPT_CHAR: sprintf(print_buffer + print_buffer_offset, "CHAR"); print_buffer_offset += 4; break; case SIMPLE_OPT_STRING: case SIMPLE_OPT_STRING_SET: sprintf(print_buffer + print_buffer_offset, "STRING"); print_buffer_offset += 6; break; default: break; } } } if (!options[i].arg_is_required && options[i].type != SIMPLE_OPT_FLAG) sprintf(print_buffer + print_buffer_offset, "]"); /* 5 for " -X --" */ col = sub_simple_opt_wrap_print(f, width, col, 5, print_buffer); /* print option description */ if (options[i].description != NULL) { if (col < width) { fprintf(f, " "); col++; } if (col < width) { fprintf(f, " "); col++; } sub_simple_opt_wrap_print(f, width, col, desc_line_start, options[i].description); } /* end of this option */ fprintf(f, "\n"); } } static void simple_opt_print_error(FILE *f, unsigned width, char *command_name, struct simple_opt_result result) { char print_buffer[SIMPLE_OPT_PRINT_BUFFER_WIDTH]; unsigned i, line_start, col; int rval; /* just easier to write */ const size_t size = SIMPLE_OPT_PRINT_BUFFER_WIDTH; if (result.result_type == SIMPLE_OPT_RESULT_SUCCESS) return; if (command_name != NULL) rval = snprintf(print_buffer, size, "%s:", command_name); else rval = snprintf(print_buffer, size, "err:"); if (rval < 0 || (unsigned)rval >= size) { fprintf(f, "simple-opt internal err: print buffer too small\n"); return; } col = sub_simple_opt_wrap_print(f, width, 0, 0, print_buffer); line_start = strlen(print_buffer) + 1; switch (result.result_type) { case SIMPLE_OPT_RESULT_UNRECOGNISED_OPTION: rval = snprintf(print_buffer, size, "unrecognised option `%s`", result.option_string); break; case SIMPLE_OPT_RESULT_BAD_ARG: rval = snprintf(print_buffer, size, "bad argument `%s` passed to option `%s`", result.argument_string, result.option_string); if (rval < 0 || (unsigned)rval >= size) { fprintf(f, "simple-opt internal err: print buffer too small\n"); return; } sub_simple_opt_wrap_print(f, width, col, line_start, print_buffer); fprintf(f, "\n"); col = 0; switch (result.option_type) { case SIMPLE_OPT_BOOL: rval = snprintf(print_buffer, size, "expected a boolean: (yes|true|on) or (no|false|off)"); break; case SIMPLE_OPT_INT: rval = snprintf(print_buffer, size,"expected integer value"); break; case SIMPLE_OPT_UNSIGNED: rval = snprintf(print_buffer, size, "expected unsigned integer value"); break; case SIMPLE_OPT_DOUBLE: rval = snprintf(print_buffer, size, "expected floating-point value"); break; case SIMPLE_OPT_CHAR: rval = snprintf(print_buffer, size, "expected single character"); break; case SIMPLE_OPT_STRING: rval = snprintf(print_buffer, size, "expected a string"); break; case SIMPLE_OPT_STRING_SET: for (i = 0; result.option->string_set[i] != NULL; i++); if (i == 1) { rval = snprintf(print_buffer, size, "expected \"%s\"", result.option->string_set[0]); } else if (i == 2) { rval = snprintf(print_buffer, size, "expected \"%s\" or \"%s\"", result.option->string_set[0], result.option->string_set[1]); } else if (i == 3) { rval = snprintf(print_buffer, size, "expected \"%s\", \"%s\" or \"%s\"", result.option->string_set[0], result.option->string_set[1], result.option->string_set[2]); } else if (i == 4) { rval = snprintf(print_buffer, size, "expected \"%s\", \"%s\", \"%s\", or \"%s\"", result.option->string_set[0], result.option->string_set[1], result.option->string_set[2], result.option->string_set[3]); } else { rval = snprintf(print_buffer, size, "expected one of %u possibile strings", i); } default: break; } break; case SIMPLE_OPT_RESULT_MISSING_ARG: rval = snprintf(print_buffer, size, "argument expected for option `%s`", result.option_string); break; case SIMPLE_OPT_RESULT_OPT_ARG_TOO_LONG: rval = snprintf(print_buffer, size, "argument passed to option `%s` is too long", result.option_string); break; case SIMPLE_OPT_RESULT_TOO_MANY_ARGS: rval = snprintf(print_buffer, size, "too many cli arguments received"); break; case SIMPLE_OPT_RESULT_MALFORMED_OPTION_STRUCT: rval = snprintf(print_buffer, size, "malformed option struct (internal err)"); break; default: break; } if (rval < 0 || (unsigned)rval >= size) { fprintf(f, "simple-opt internal err: print buffer too small"); return; } sub_simple_opt_wrap_print(f, width, col, line_start, print_buffer); fprintf(f, "\n"); } #endif