path: root/doc/usage.tex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/usage.tex')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 129 deletions
diff --git a/doc/usage.tex b/doc/usage.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index ab8b3d6..0000000
--- a/doc/usage.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-% SETUP %
-%%% -------------------------------------------------------
-%%% universal formatting
-%%% -------------------------------------------------------
-\parindent 0pt
-%%% -------------------------------------------------------
-%%% custom commands
-%%% -------------------------------------------------------
-% a horizontal box with coloured background
- {
- \definecolor{shadecolor}{named}{Azure4}
- \begin{snugshade*}
- \centering\large
- \textcolor{white}{\textbf{-- #1 --}\vphantom{p\^{E}}}
- \end{snugshade*}
- }
- \tt\bf\small #1 & \tt\small #2 \\
- % setup
- \frenchspacing
- % C styling
- \lstdefinestyle{customc}{
- language=C,
- basicstyle=\small\ttfamily,
- breaklines=true,
- keepspaces=true,
- xleftmargin=\parindent,
- % colours
- commentstyle=\color{DodgerBlue2},
- identifierstyle=\color{Red1},
- keywordstyle=\color{Purple3},
- stringstyle=\color{SpringGreen4},
- numbers=left,
- showstringspaces=false,
- }
- \myheading{usage}
- Your tests should be written as a single .c file separate from
- the body of text containing your functionality to be tested.
- A simple example might look something like this: \\
- \hrule
- \lstset{style=customc}
- \lstinputlisting{a_simple_example.c}
- \hrule
- \pagebreak
- If the second test was ommited, the ouput would look like this:\\
- \hrule
- \vspace{8pt}
- % successful output
- {\tt\bf\small a\_simple\_example.c}\\
- \begin{tabular*}{\textwidth}{r@{\ \tt\bf :: }l}
- \mytermrow{1}{\color{Yellow4}check add()'s return value}
- \mytermrow{ }{\color{SpringGreen4}success!}
- \end{tabular*}
- \vspace{8pt}
- \hrule
- \vspace{20pt}
- If the second test was included, it would look like this:\\
- \hrule
- \vspace{8pt}
- % failed output
- {\tt\bf\small a\_simple\_example.c}\\
- \begin{tabular*}{\textwidth}{r@{\ \tt\bf :: }l}
- \mytermrow{1}{\color{Yellow4}check add()'s return value}
- \mytermrow{2}{\color{Yellow4}compare two arrays of strings}
- \mytermrow{ }{\color{DodgerBlue2}checking strs at i == 0...}
- \mytermrow{ }{\color{DodgerBlue2}checking strs at i == 1...}
- \mytermrow{ }{\color{DodgerBlue2}checking strs at i == 2...}
- \mytermrow{ }{\textbf{a\_simple\_example.c:41: \textcolor{Red1}{fail:}} strings unequal}
- \mytermrow{ }{\ \ \textbf{array1[i]} == `str3'}
- \mytermrow{ }{\ \ \textbf{array2[i]} == `different'}
- \end{tabular*}
- \vspace{8pt}
- \hrule
- \vspace{20pt}
- For detailed descriptions of all available tests, see the included man page
- or README.md .