" Vim script " Maintainer: Peter Odding " Last Change: June 10, 2010 " URL: http://peterodding.com/code/vim/easytags function! easytags#autoload() " {{{1 try " Update the entries for the current file in the global tags file? let pathname = expand('%') let tags_outdated = getftime(pathname) > getftime(easytags#get_tagsfile()) if tags_outdated || !easytags#file_has_tags(pathname) UpdateTags endif " Apply highlighting of tags in global tags file to current buffer? if &eventignore !~? '\' if !exists('b:easytags_last_highlighted') HighlightTags else for tagfile in tagfiles() if getftime(tagfile) > b:easytags_last_highlighted HighlightTags break endif endfor endif let b:easytags_last_highlighted = localtime() endif catch call xolox#warning("easytags.vim: %s (at %s)", v:exception, v:throwpoint) endtry endfunction function! easytags#update_cmd(filter_invalid_tags) " {{{1 try let ft_supported = index(easytags#supported_filetypes(), &ft) >= 0 let ft_ignored = g:easytags_ignored_filetypes != '' && &ft =~ g:easytags_ignored_filetypes if (ft_supported && !ft_ignored) || a:filter_invalid_tags let start = xolox#timer#start() let tagsfile = easytags#get_tagsfile() let filename = s:resolve(expand('%:p')) let command = [g:easytags_cmd, '-f', shellescape(tagsfile), '--fields=+l'] if filereadable(tagsfile) call add(command, '-a') let lines = readfile(tagsfile) call s:update_tagged_files(lines) let filters = [] if ft_supported && !ft_ignored let filename_pattern = '\t' . xolox#escape#pattern(filename) . '\t' call add(filters, 'v:val !~ filename_pattern') endif if a:filter_invalid_tags call add(filters, 'filereadable(get(split(v:val, "\t"), 1))') endif let filter = 'v:val =~ "^!_TAG_" || (' . join(filters, ' && ') . ')' let filtered = filter(copy(lines), filter) if len(lines) != len(filtered) if writefile(filtered, tagsfile) != 0 throw "Failed to write filtered tags file!" endif endif endif if ft_supported && !ft_ignored call add(command, '--language-force=' . easytags#to_ctags_ft(&ft)) call add(command, shellescape(filename)) let listing = system(join(command)) if v:shell_error throw "Failed to update tags file! (Ctags output: `" . listing . "')" endif call easytags#add_tagged_file(filename) endif call xolox#timer#stop(start, "easytags.vim: Updated tags in %s second(s)") return 1 endif return 0 catch call xolox#warning("easytags.vim: %s (at %s)", v:exception, v:throwpoint) endtry endfunction function! easytags#supported_filetypes() " {{{1 if !exists('s:supported_filetypes') let start = xolox#timer#start() let listing = system(g:easytags_cmd . ' --list-languages') if v:shell_error throw "Failed to get Exuberant Ctags language mappings!" endif let s:supported_filetypes = split(listing, '\n') call map(s:supported_filetypes, 'easytags#to_vim_ft(v:val)') call xolox#timer#stop(start, "easytags.vim: Parsed language mappings in %s second(s)") endif return s:supported_filetypes endfunction function! easytags#highlight_cmd() " {{{1 try if exists('g:syntax_on') && has_key(s:tagkinds, &ft) let start = xolox#timer#start() if !has_key(s:aliases, &ft) let taglist = filter(taglist('.'), "get(v:val, 'language', '') ==? &ft") else let aliases = s:aliases[&ft] let taglist = filter(taglist('.'), "has_key(aliases, tolower(get(v:val, 'language', '')))") endif for tagkind in s:tagkinds[&ft] let hlgroup_tagged = tagkind.hlgroup . 'Tag' if hlexists(hlgroup_tagged) execute 'syntax clear' hlgroup_tagged else execute 'highlight def link' hlgroup_tagged tagkind.hlgroup endif let matches = filter(copy(taglist), tagkind.filter) if matches != [] call map(matches, 'xolox#escape#pattern(get(v:val, "name"))') let pattern = tagkind.pattern_prefix . '\%(' . join(xolox#unique(matches), '\|') . '\)' . tagkind.pattern_suffix let command = 'syntax match %s /%s/ containedin=ALLBUT,.*String.*,.*Comment.*' execute printf(command, hlgroup_tagged, escape(pattern, '/')) endif endfor redraw call xolox#timer#stop(start, "easytags.vim: Highlighted tags in %s second(s)") endif catch call xolox#warning("easytags.vim: %s (at %s)", v:exception, v:throwpoint) endtry endfunction function! easytags#get_tagsfile() " {{{1 let tagsfile = expand(g:easytags_file) if filereadable(tagsfile) && filewritable(tagsfile) != 1 let message = "The tags file isn't writable! (%s)" throw printf(message, tagsfile) endif return tagsfile endfunction function! easytags#define_tagkind(object) " {{{1 if !has_key(a:object, 'pattern_prefix') let a:object.pattern_prefix = '\C\<' endif if !has_key(a:object, 'pattern_suffix') let a:object.pattern_suffix = '\>' endif if !has_key(s:tagkinds, a:object.filetype) let s:tagkinds[a:object.filetype] = [] endif call add(s:tagkinds[a:object.filetype], a:object) endfunction function! easytags#map_filetypes(vim_ft, ctags_ft) " {{{1 call add(s:vim_filetypes, a:vim_ft) call add(s:ctags_filetypes, a:ctags_ft) endfunction function! easytags#alias_filetypes(...) " {{{1 for type in a:000 if !has_key(s:aliases, type) let s:aliases[type] = {} endif endfor for i in range(a:0) for j in range(a:0) let vimft1 = a:000[i] let ctagsft1 = easytags#to_ctags_ft(vimft1) let vimft2 = a:000[j] let ctagsft2 = easytags#to_ctags_ft(vimft2) if !has_key(s:aliases[vimft1], ctagsft2) let s:aliases[vimft1][ctagsft2] = 1 endif if !has_key(s:aliases[vimft2], ctagsft1) let s:aliases[vimft2][ctagsft1] = 1 endif endfor endfor endfunction function! easytags#to_vim_ft(ctags_ft) " {{{1 let type = tolower(a:ctags_ft) let index = index(s:ctags_filetypes, type) return index >= 0 ? s:vim_filetypes[index] : type endfunction function! easytags#to_ctags_ft(vim_ft) " {{{1 let type = tolower(a:vim_ft) let index = index(s:vim_filetypes, type) return index >= 0 ? s:ctags_filetypes[index] : type endfunction " Miscellaneous script-local functions. {{{1 function! s:resolve(pathname) " {{{2 if g:easytags_resolve_links return resolve(a:pathname) else return a:pathname endif endfunction function! s:cache_tagged_files() " {{{2 if !exists('s:tagged_files') let tagsfile = easytags#get_tagsfile() call s:update_tagged_files(readfile(tagsfile)) endif endfunction function! easytags#file_has_tags(pathname) " {{{2 call s:cache_tagged_files() return has_key(s:tagged_files, s:resolve(a:pathname)) endfunction function! easytags#add_tagged_file(pathname) " {{{2 call s:cache_tagged_files() let pathname = s:resolve(a:pathname) let s:tagged_files[pathname] = 1 endfunction function! s:update_tagged_files(lines) " {{{2 " Update the dictionary of let s:tagged_files = {} for line in a:lines if line !~ '^!_TAG_' let pathname = matchstr(line, '^[^\t]\+\t\zs[^\t]\+') if pathname != '' let pathname = s:resolve(pathname) let s:tagged_files[pathname] = 1 endif endif endfor endfunction " Built-in file type & tag kind definitions. {{{1 if !exists('s:tagkinds') let s:vim_filetypes = [] let s:ctags_filetypes = [] call easytags#map_filetypes('cpp', 'c++') call easytags#map_filetypes('cs', 'c#') call easytags#map_filetypes(exists('filetype_asp') ? filetype_asp : 'aspvbs', 'asp') let s:aliases = {} call easytags#alias_filetypes('c', 'cpp', 'objc', 'objcpp') let s:tagkinds = {} " Enable line continuation. let s:cpo_save = &cpo set cpo&vim " Lua. {{{2 call easytags#define_tagkind({ \ 'filetype': 'lua', \ 'hlgroup': 'luaFunc', \ 'filter': 'get(v:val, "kind") ==# "f"'}) " C. {{{2 call easytags#define_tagkind({ \ 'filetype': 'c', \ 'hlgroup': 'cType', \ 'filter': 'get(v:val, "kind") =~# "[cgstu]"'}) call easytags#define_tagkind({ \ 'filetype': 'c', \ 'hlgroup': 'cPreProc', \ 'filter': 'get(v:val, "kind") ==# "d"'}) call easytags#define_tagkind({ \ 'filetype': 'c', \ 'hlgroup': 'cFunction', \ 'filter': 'get(v:val, "kind") =~# "[fp]"'}) highlight def link cFunction Function " PHP. {{{2 call easytags#define_tagkind({ \ 'filetype': 'php', \ 'hlgroup': 'phpFunctions', \ 'filter': 'get(v:val, "kind") ==# "f"'}) call easytags#define_tagkind({ \ 'filetype': 'php', \ 'hlgroup': 'phpClasses', \ 'filter': 'get(v:val, "kind") ==# "c"'}) " Vim script. {{{2 call easytags#define_tagkind({ \ 'filetype': 'vim', \ 'hlgroup': 'vimAutoGroup', \ 'filter': 'get(v:val, "kind") ==# "a"'}) highlight def link vimAutoGroup vimAutoEvent call easytags#define_tagkind({ \ 'filetype': 'vim', \ 'hlgroup': 'vimCommand', \ 'filter': 'get(v:val, "kind") ==# "c"', \ 'pattern_prefix': '\(\(^\|\s\):\?\)\@<=', \ 'pattern_suffix': '\(!\?\(\s\|$\)\)\@='}) " Exuberant Ctags doesn't mark script local functions in Vim scripts as " "static". When your tags file contains search patterns this plug-in can use " those search patterns to check which Vim script functions are defined " globally and which script local. call easytags#define_tagkind({ \ 'filetype': 'vim', \ 'hlgroup': 'vimFuncName', \ 'filter': 'get(v:val, "kind") ==# "f" && get(v:val, "cmd") !~? ''\w\|\\)\@\w\|\\)'}) highlight def link vimScriptFuncName vimFuncName " Python. {{{2 call easytags#define_tagkind({ \ 'filetype': 'python', \ 'hlgroup': 'pythonFunction', \ 'filter': 'get(v:val, "kind") ==# "f"', \ 'pattern_prefix': '\%(\