" Vim script " Author: Peter Odding " Last Change: June 20, 2014 " URL: http://peterodding.com/code/vim/easytags/ " This submodule of the vim-easytags plug-in translates between back and forth " between Vim file types and Exuberant Ctags languages. This is complicated by " a couple of things: " " - Vim allows file types to be combined like `filetype=c.doxygen'. " " - Some file types need to be canonicalized, for example the `htmldjango' " Vim file type should be treated as the `html' Exuberant Ctags language. " Whether we've run Exuberant Ctags to discover the supported file types. let s:discovered_filetypes = 0 " List of supported Vim file types. let s:supported_filetypes = [] " Mapping of Exuberant Ctags languages to Vim file types and vice versa. let g:xolox#easytags#filetypes#ctags_to_vim = {} let g:xolox#easytags#filetypes#vim_to_ctags = {} " Mapping of Vim file types to canonical file types. let s:canonical_filetypes = {} " Mapping of canonical Vim file types to their groups. let s:filetype_groups = {} function! xolox#easytags#filetypes#add_group(...) " {{{1 " Define a group of Vim file types whose tags should be stored together. let canonical_filetype = tolower(a:1) let s:filetype_groups[canonical_filetype] = a:000[1:] for ft in s:filetype_groups[canonical_filetype] let s:canonical_filetypes[tolower(ft)] = canonical_filetype endfor endfunction function! xolox#easytags#filetypes#add_mapping(vim_filetype, ctags_language) " {{{1 " Map an Exuberant Ctags language to a Vim file type and vice versa. let vim_filetype = tolower(a:vim_filetype) let ctags_language = tolower(a:ctags_language) let g:xolox#easytags#filetypes#ctags_to_vim[ctags_language] = vim_filetype let g:xolox#easytags#filetypes#vim_to_ctags[vim_filetype] = ctags_language endfunction function! xolox#easytags#filetypes#to_vim(ctags_language) " {{{1 " Translate an Exuberant Ctags language to a Vim file type. let ctags_language = tolower(a:ctags_language) return get(g:xolox#easytags#filetypes#ctags_to_vim, ctags_language, ctags_language) endfunction function! xolox#easytags#filetypes#to_ctags(vim_filetype) " {{{1 " Translate a Vim file type to an Exuberant Ctags language. let vim_filetype = tolower(a:vim_filetype) return get(g:xolox#easytags#filetypes#vim_to_ctags, vim_filetype, vim_filetype) endfunction function! xolox#easytags#filetypes#canonicalize(vim_filetype_value) " {{{1 " Select a canonical, supported Vim file type given a value of &filetype. call s:discover_supported_filetypes() " Split the possibly combined Vim file type into individual file types. for filetype in split(tolower(a:vim_filetype_value), '\.') " Canonicalize the Vim file type. let filetype = get(s:canonical_filetypes, filetype, filetype) if index(s:supported_filetypes, filetype) >= 0 return filetype endif endfor return '' endfunction function! xolox#easytags#filetypes#find_ctags_aliases(canonical_vim_filetype) " {{{1 " Find Exuberant Ctags languages that correspond to a canonical, supported Vim file type. if has_key(s:filetype_groups, a:canonical_vim_filetype) let filetypes = copy(s:filetype_groups[a:canonical_vim_filetype]) return map(filetypes, 'xolox#easytags#filetypes#to_ctags(v:val)') else return [xolox#easytags#filetypes#to_ctags(a:canonical_vim_filetype)] endif endfunction function! s:discover_supported_filetypes() " {{{1 " Initialize predefined groups & mappings and discover supported file types. if !s:discovered_filetypes " Discover the file types supported by Exuberant Ctags? if !empty(g:easytags_cmd) let starttime = xolox#misc#timer#start() let command = g:easytags_cmd . ' --list-languages' for line in xolox#misc#os#exec({'command': command})['stdout'] if line =~ '\[disabled\]$' " Ignore languages that have been explicitly disabled using `--languages=-Vim'. continue elseif line =~ '^\w\S*$' call add(s:supported_filetypes, xolox#easytags#filetypes#to_vim(xolox#misc#str#trim(line))) elseif line =~ '\S' call xolox#misc#msg#warn("easytags.vim %s: Failed to parse line of output from ctags --list-languages: %s", g:xolox#easytags#version, string(line)) endif endfor let msg = "easytags.vim %s: Retrieved %i supported languages in %s." call xolox#misc#timer#stop(msg, g:xolox#easytags#version, len(s:supported_filetypes), starttime) endif " Add file types supported by language specific programs. call extend(s:supported_filetypes, keys(xolox#misc#option#get('easytags_languages', {}))) " Don't run s:discover_supported_filetypes() more than once. let s:discovered_filetypes = 1 endif endfunction " }}}1 " Define the default file type groups. call xolox#easytags#filetypes#add_group('c', 'cpp', 'objc', 'objcpp') call xolox#easytags#filetypes#add_group('html', 'htmldjango') " Define the default file type mappings. call xolox#easytags#filetypes#add_mapping('cpp', 'c++') call xolox#easytags#filetypes#add_mapping('cs', 'c#') call xolox#easytags#filetypes#add_mapping(exists('g:filetype_asp') ? g:filetype_asp : 'aspvbs', 'asp') " vim: ts=2 sw=2 et