" Vim auto-load script " Author: Peter Odding " Last Change: April 20, 2013 " URL: http://peterodding.com/code/vim/misc/ " The following integer will be bumped whenever a change in the miscellaneous " scripts breaks backwards compatibility. This enables my Vim plug-ins to fail " early when they detect an incompatible version, instead of breaking at the " worst possible moments :-). let g:xolox#misc#compat#version = 1 " Remember the directory where the miscellaneous scripts are loaded from " so the user knows which plug-in to update if incompatibilities arise. let s:misc_directory = fnamemodify(expand(''), ':p:h') function! xolox#misc#compat#check(plugin_name, required_version) if a:required_version != g:xolox#misc#compat#version let msg = "The %s plug-in requires version %i of the miscellaneous scripts, however version %i was loaded from %s!" throw printf(msg, a:plugin_name, a:required_version, g:xolox#misc#compat#version, s:misc_directory) endif endfunction " vim: ts=2 sw=2 et