path: root/.config/herbstluftwm
diff options
authorshmibs <shmibs@gmail.com>2014-07-03 11:26:07 -0700
committershmibs <shmibs@gmail.com>2014-07-03 11:26:07 -0700
commitb30acd13148b4b5174331580678bb5b0ce26e027 (patch)
tree8d5b0763fa2dba300b86548e7c843f99f89090d3 /.config/herbstluftwm
parent5868104f033ebf2ffceb7458baeaa748574ce310 (diff)
complete theme revamp
switched to bar, changed term colours, and added a config_vars file to make sourcing theme colours / fonts / etc easier
Diffstat (limited to '.config/herbstluftwm')
7 files changed, 273 insertions, 185 deletions
diff --git a/.config/herbstluftwm/autostart b/.config/herbstluftwm/autostart
index 1b714e6..968338c 100755
--- a/.config/herbstluftwm/autostart
+++ b/.config/herbstluftwm/autostart
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-source ~/.config/herbstluftwm/colours.sh
+source ~/.config/herbstluftwm/config_vars
hc() {
herbstclient "$@"
@@ -138,9 +138,10 @@ hc keybind Mod4-Right spawn banshee --next
hc keybind Mod4-Down spawn banshee --toggle-playing
# dmenu
-hc keybind Mod4-0 spawn dmenu_run -p "Run:" -h 18 -nb $bg_normal -nf $fg_normal -sb $bg_focus -sf $fg_focus
-hc keybind Mod4-9 spawn ~/.config/herbstluftwm/switcher.sh $bg_normal $fg_normal $bg_focus $fg_focus
-hc keybind Mod4-8 spawn ~/.config/herbstluftwm/calc.sh $bg_normal $fg_normal $bg_focus $fg_focus
+hc keybind Mod4-0 spawn dmenu_run -fn $dfont -p "Run:" -h 18 -nb $bg_normal -nf $fg_normal \
+ -sb $bg_focus -sf $fg_focus
+hc keybind Mod4-9 spawn ~/.config/herbstluftwm/switcher.sh
+hc keybind Mod4-8 spawn ~/.config/herbstluftwm/calc.sh
############## end launchers ##############
diff --git a/.config/herbstluftwm/calc.sh b/.config/herbstluftwm/calc.sh
index 142065e..88d31df 100755
--- a/.config/herbstluftwm/calc.sh
+++ b/.config/herbstluftwm/calc.sh
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
+source ~/.config/herbstluftwm/config_vars
@@ -25,7 +27,9 @@ command_check() {
while [ "$in" != "" ]; do
- in=$(echo "" | dmenu -q -h 18 -nb $1 -nf $2 -sb $3 -sf $4 -p "$prompt")
+ in=$(echo "" | dmenu -fn $efont -q -h $bheight \
+ -nb $bg_normal -nf $fg_normal \
+ -sb $bg_focus -sf $fg_focus -p "$prompt")
if [[ $(command_check "$in" "$acc") -eq 1 ]]; then
diff --git a/.config/herbstluftwm/config_vars b/.config/herbstluftwm/config_vars
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d5d7dff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/herbstluftwm/config_vars
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
diff --git a/.config/herbstluftwm/panel.sh b/.config/herbstluftwm/panel.sh
index e77cf87..8e1211f 100755
--- a/.config/herbstluftwm/panel.sh
+++ b/.config/herbstluftwm/panel.sh
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
+# SETUP #
hc() { "${herbstclient_command[@]:-herbstclient}" "$@" ;}
geometry=( $(herbstclient monitor_rect "$monitor") )
@@ -8,189 +12,238 @@ if [ -z "$geometry" ] ;then
exit 1
# geometry has the format W H X Y
-bgcolor=$(hc get frame_border_normal_color)
-selbg=$(hc get window_border_active_color)
-# Try to find textwidth binary.
-# In e.g. Ubuntu, this is named dzen2-textwidth.
-if which textwidth &> /dev/null ; then
- textwidth="textwidth";
-elif which dzen2-textwidth &> /dev/null ; then
- textwidth="dzen2-textwidth";
- echo "This script requires the textwidth tool of the dzen2 project."
- exit 1
-# true if we are using the svn version of dzen2
-# depending on version/distribution, this seems to have version strings like
-# "dzen-" or "dzen-x.x.x-svn"
-if dzen2 -v 2>&1 | head -n 1 | grep -q '^dzen-\([^,]*-svn\|\),'; then
- dzen2_svn="true"
- dzen2_svn=""
-if awk -Wv 2>/dev/null | head -1 | grep -q '^mawk'; then
- # mawk needs "-W interactive" to line-buffer stdout correctly
- # http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=593504
- uniq_linebuffered() {
- awk -W interactive '$0 != l { print ; l=$0 ; fflush(); }' "$@"
- }
- # other awk versions (e.g. gawk) issue a warning with "-W interactive", so
- # we don't want to use it there.
- uniq_linebuffered() {
- awk '$0 != l { print ; l=$0 ; fflush(); }' "$@"
- }
+# grab standardised colours
+source ~/.config/herbstluftwm/config_vars
-hc pad $monitor $panel_height
+# set alpha for background colours
+bg_normal=$(echo -n $alpha; echo "$bg_normal" | tr -d '#')
+fg_normal=$(echo -n '#ff'; echo "$fg_normal" | tr -d '#')
+bg_focus=$(echo -n $alpha; echo "$bg_focus" | tr -d '#')
+fg_focus=$(echo -n '#ff'; echo "$fg_focus" | tr -d '#')
+bg_urgent=$(echo -n '#ff'; echo "$bg_urgent" | tr -d '#')
+fg_urgent=$(echo -n '#ff'; echo "$fg_urgent" | tr -d '#')
- ### Event generator ###
- # based on different input data (mpc, date, hlwm hooks, ...) this generates events, formed like this:
- # <eventname>\t<data> [...]
- # e.g.
- # date ^fg(#efefef)18:33^fg(#909090), 2013-10-^fg(#efefef)29
- #mpc idleloop player &
- while true ; do
- # "date" output is checked once a second, but an event is only
- # generated if the output changed compared to the previous run.
- date +$'date\t^fg(#efefef)%a, %b %d, %H:%M'
- sleep 1 || break
- done > >(uniq_linebuffered) &
- childpid=$!
- hc --idle
- kill $childpid
-} 2> /dev/null | {
- IFS=$'\t' read -ra tags <<< "$(hc tag_status $monitor)"
- visible=true
- date=""
- clients=""
- focus_index=""
- while true ; do
- ### Output ###
- # This part prints dzen data based on the _previous_ data handling run,
- # and then waits for the next event to happen.
- bordercolor="#26221C"
- separator="^bg()^fg($selbg)|"
- # draw tags
- for i in "${tags[@]}" ; do
- case ${i:0:1} in
- '#')
- echo -n "^bg($selbg)^fg($selfg)"
- ;;
- '+')
- echo -n "^bg(#9CA668)^fg(#141414)"
- ;;
- ':')
- echo -n "^bg()^fg(#ffffff)"
- ;;
- '!')
- echo -n "^bg(#FF0675)^fg(#141414)"
- ;;
- *)
- echo -n "^bg()^fg(#ababab)"
- ;;
- esac
- # non-clickable tags, because i don't care
- echo -n " ${i:1} "
- done
- echo -n "$separator^fg()"
- for i in "${!clients[@]}"; do
- if [ $i -eq $focus_index ]; then
- echo -n "^bg($selbg)^fg($selfg) ${clients[i]} ^bg()^fg()"
- else
- echo -n " ${clients[i]} "
- fi
+fg_grey=$(echo -n '#ff'; echo "$fg_grey" | tr -d '#')
+hc pad $monitor $bheight
+# global content variables
+# functions for retrieving and processing data
+# upon events
+update_taglist() {
+ echo -n "%{l}%{B${bg_normal} F${fg_normal} U${fg_normal}}"
+ hc tag_status | tr '\t' '\n' | sed \
+ -e '1d' \
+ -e '$d' \
+ -e 's/\(.*\)/\1 /' \
+ -e 's/:/ /' \
+ -e "s/[#+\-%]\(.*\)/%{B${bg_focus} F${fg_focus}} \1%{B${bg_normal} F${fg_normal}}/" \
+ -e "s/!\(.*\)/%{B${bg_urgent} F${fg_urgent}} \1%{B${bg_normal} F${fg_normal}}/" \
+ -e "s/\.\(.*\)/%{B${bg_normal} F${fg_grey}} \1%{B${bg_normal} F${fg_normal}}/" \
+ | tr -d '\n'
+ echo "%{F${bg_focus}}|%{F${fg_normal}}"
+update_winlist() {
+ focus_id=$(hc get_attr clients.focus.winid)
+ if [[ "$focus_id" == "" ]]; then
+ return
+ fi
+ # grab current window list, limit to current desktop,
+ # clean up output, cut to length,add focused window
+ # formatting, and finally delete win ids and merge
+ # lines
+ for c in $(herbstclient layout | grep -Eo '0x[0-9a-f]*'); do
+ xwininfo -id $c | sed -n 2p | sed -e 's/"//' -e 's/"$//' -e 's/$/\t/' | cut -c -70 | sed \
+ -e 's/xwininfo: Window id: //' \
+ -e 's/$/.../' -e 's/\t\.\.\.$//' \
+ -e "s/${focus_id} \(.*\)/%{B${bg_focus} F${fg_focus}} \1 %{B${bg_normal} F${fg_normal}}/" \
+ -e 's/0x[a-f0-9]* \(.*\)/ \1 /' | tr -d '\n'
+# all fields are put in separate elements
+# tag list
+# window list
+# align right
+# when
+# banshee np
+# conky stats
+# date
+# vertical separator and gap for tray
+fields[8]="%{F${bg_focus}}| %{F${fg_normal}}"
- # small adjustments
- right="$separator^bg() $date $separator"
- right_text_only=$(echo -n "$right" | sed 's.\^[^(]*([^)]*)..g')
- # get width of right aligned text.. and add some space..
- width=$($textwidth "$font" "$right_text_only ")
- echo -n "^pa($(($panel_width - $width)))$right"
- echo
- ### Data handling ###
- # This part handles the events generated in the event loop, and sets
- # internal variables based on them. The event and its arguments are
- # read into the array cmd, then action is taken depending on the event
- # name.
- # "Special" events (quit_panel/togglehidepanel/reload) are also handled
- # here.
- # wait for next event
- IFS=$'\t' read -ra cmd || break
- # find out event origin
- case "${cmd[0]}" in
- tag*)
- #echo "resetting tags" >&2
- IFS=$'\t' read -ra tags <<< "$(hc tag_status $monitor)"
- ;;
- date)
- #echo "resetting date" >&2
- date="${cmd[@]:1}"
- ;;
- quit_panel)
- exit
- ;;
- togglehidepanel)
- currentmonidx=$(hc list_monitors | sed -n '/\[FOCUS\]$/s/:.*//p')
- if [ "${cmd[1]}" -ne "$monitor" ] ; then
- continue
- fi
- if [ "${cmd[1]}" = "current" ] && [ "$currentmonidx" -ne "$monitor" ] ; then
- continue
- fi
- echo "^togglehide()"
- if $visible ; then
- visible=false
- hc pad $monitor 0
- else
- visible=true
- hc pad $monitor $panel_height
- fi
- ;;
- reload)
- exit
- ;;
- focus_changed|window_title_changed)
- clients=($(herbstclient layout | grep -Eo '0x[0-9a-f]*')) focus_client=$(herbstclient get_attr clients.focus.winid)
- focus_index=""
- hc_args="herbstclient chain"
- for i in "${!clients[@]}"; do
- if [ "${clients[i]}" == "$focus_client" ]; then
- focus_index=$i
+# loops for generating a line of information,
+# with the first element in the line as a
+# unique identifier for the event type
+get_stat() {
+ {
+ conky -c ~/.config/herbstluftwm/panel/conky_stats
+ # suppress lines that do not differ from
+ # previous lines
+ } | awk '$0 != l { print ; l=$0 ; fflush(); }'
+get_date() {
+ {
+ while true; do
+ date +$'date\t%a, %b %d, %H:%M:%S'
+ sleep 1
+ done
+ } | awk '$0 != l { print ; l=$0 ; fflush(); }'
+get_when() {
+ {
+ while true; do
+ if [[ "$(when --future=1 | sed '1,2d')" == "" ]]; then
+ echo -e 'when\t0'
+ else
+ echo -e 'when\t1'
- hc_args="$hc_args"" .-. get_attr clients.""${clients[i]}"".instance .-. echo"
+ sleep 10
+ } | awk '$0 != l { print ; l=$0 ; fflush(); }'
+# the loops defined above are launched and
+# their outputs multiplexed
+ get_stat &
+ child[1]=$!
+ get_date &
+ child[2]=$!
+ get_when &
+ child[3]=$!
+ hc --idle
+ for id in ${child[@]}; do
+ kill $id
+ done
+} 2> /dev/null | {
- clients=($($hc_args))
- ;;
- #player)
- # ;;
- esac
- done
+# those lines are then read, one by one,
+# and the information contained used to
+# generate the required fields
- ### dzen2 ###
- # After the data is gathered and processed, the output of the previous block
- # gets piped to dzen2.
+ while true; do
+ # split our read lines into an array
+ # for easy parsing
+ IFS=$'\t' read -ra event || break
+ # determine event type and act
+ # accordingly
+ case "${event[0]}" in
+ date)
+ fields[7]="%{F${bg_focus}}|%{F${fg_normal} A:date:} ${event[@]:1} %{A}"
+ ;;
+ stats)
+ fields[6]="%{F${bg_focus}}|%{F${fg_normal} A:stats:} ${event[@]:1} %{A}"
+ ;;
+ when)
+ if [[ "${events[1]}" -eq 1 ]]; then
+ fields[4]="%{F${bg_focus}}|%{F${fg_normal} A:when:} * %{A}"
+ else
+ fields[4]=""
+ fi
+ ;;
-} 2> /dev/null | dzen2 -w $panel_width -x $x -y $y -fn "$font" -h $panel_height \
- -e 'button3=;button4=exec:herbstclient use_index -1;button5=exec:herbstclient use_index +1' \
- -ta l -bg "$bgcolor" -fg '#efefef'
+ # hc events
+ focus_changed|window_title_changed)
+ fields[2]=$(update_winlist)
+ ;;
+ tag_changed|tag_flags)
+ fields[1]=$(update_taglist)
+ fields[2]=$(update_winlist)
+ ;;
+ *)
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # i wish i could just print the entire array
+ # this easily, but that inserts spaces
+ #echo "${fields[@]}"
+ echo -n "${fields[1]}${fields[2]}${fields[3]}${fields[4]}"
+ echo "${fields[5]}${fields[6]}${fields[7]}${fields[8]}"
+ done
+ # pass the events into bar
+} 2> /dev/null | bar -f $dfont -g${width}x${bheight}+${xpos}+${ypos} \
+ -B ${bg_normal} -F ${fg_normal} | \
+# finally, take the output from bar and execute commands
+ while read command; do
+ case "$command" in
+ date)
+ notify-send "$(cal)"
+ ;;
+ stats)
+ urxvt -e htop
+ ;;
+ when)
+ notify-send "$(when)"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
diff --git a/.config/herbstluftwm/panel/conky_stats b/.config/herbstluftwm/panel/conky_stats
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a425958
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/herbstluftwm/panel/conky_stats
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+background no
+out_to_console yes
+out_to_x no
+update_interval 2.0
+total_run_times 0
+use_spacer none
+stats mem: %%${memperc} cpu: %%${cpu cpu0}
diff --git a/.config/herbstluftwm/switcher.sh b/.config/herbstluftwm/switcher.sh
index 4d570c2..a19fe6e 100755
--- a/.config/herbstluftwm/switcher.sh
+++ b/.config/herbstluftwm/switcher.sh
@@ -1,7 +1,12 @@
+source ~/.config/herbstluftwm/config_vars
IFS=$'\r\n' clients=($(wmctrl -l | cut -c -10))
-number=$(wmctrl -l | cut -c 20- | nl -w 2 -s ") " | dmenu -i -h 18 -nb $1 -nf $2 -sb $3 -sf $4 -p "Select:" -l 40 | grep -oE '[0-9]' | head -1)
+number=$(wmctrl -l | cut -c 20- | nl -w 2 -s ") " | \
+ dmenu -fn $efont -i -h $bheight -nb $bg_normal -nf $fg_normal \
+ -sb $bg_focus -sf $fg_focus -p "Select:" -l 40 | \
+ grep -oE '[0-9]' | head -1)
if [ $number ]; then
herbstclient jumpto ${clients[$(expr $number - 1)]}
diff --git a/.config/herbstluftwm/tray.sh b/.config/herbstluftwm/tray.sh
index cef5fb5..61e6310 100755
--- a/.config/herbstluftwm/tray.sh
+++ b/.config/herbstluftwm/tray.sh
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
hc() { "${herbstclient_command[@]:-herbstclient}" "$@" ;}
-bgcolor=$(hc get frame_border_normal_color)
+source ~/.config/herbstluftwm/config_vars
while [ -z "$run" ]; do
sleep .5
- run=$(ps -e | grep dzen2)
+ run=$(ps -e | grep bar)
echo "$run"
-trayer --edge top --align right --heighttype pixel --height 18 --widthtype pixel --width 18 --distancefrom right --distance 4
+trayer --edge top --align right --heighttype pixel --height $bheight --widthtype pixel --width $bheight --distancefrom right --distance 4