path: root/.Xresources
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '.Xresources')
1 files changed, 3 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/.Xresources b/.Xresources
index 91721b8..e81fc18 100644
--- a/.Xresources
+++ b/.Xresources
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ URxvt*buffered: on
! URxvt*geometry: geom
! Use the specified colour as the windows background colour [default White]; option -bg.
-URxvt*background: #080808
+URxvt*background: #171717
! Use the specified colour as the windows foreground colour [default Black]; option -fg.
URxvt*foreground: #FEFEFE
@@ -226,10 +226,10 @@ URxvt*cursorBlink: true
! URxvt*{|}
! OverTheSpot, OffTheSpot, Root; option -pt.
-URxvt*preeditType: OverTheSpot
+!URxvt*preeditType: OverTheSpot
! name of inputMethod to use; option -im.
-URxvt*inputMethod: ibus
+!URxvt*inputMethod: ibus
! The locale to use for opening the IM. You can use an "LC_CTYPE" of e.g. "de_DE.UTF-8" for normal text processing but "ja_JP.EUC-JP" for the input extension
! URxvt*imLocale: name