diff options
10 files changed, 73 insertions, 51 deletions
diff --git a/.Xresources b/.Xresources
index 3371173..5560163 100644
--- a/.Xresources
+++ b/.Xresources
@@ -10,10 +10,10 @@ URxvt*buffered: on
! URxvt*geometry: geom
! Use the specified colour as the windows background colour [default White]; option -bg.
-URxvt*background: #252525
+URxvt*background: #262626
! Use the specified colour as the windows foreground colour [default Black]; option -fg.
-URxvt*foreground: #FEFEFE
+URxvt*foreground: #c1b48e
! Use the specified colour for the colour value n, where 0-7 corresponds to low-intensity (normal) colours and 8-15 corresponds to high-intensity (bold = bright
!! black
@@ -48,13 +48,14 @@ URxvt*foreground: #FEFEFE
!URxvt*color7: #E0E0E0
!! light white
!URxvt*color15: #FEFEFE
+! black
URxvt*color0: #4e4e4e
! light black
URxvt*color8: #7d7d7d
! red
-URxvt*color1: #ff4070
+URxvt*color1: #ff3842
! light red
-URxvt*color9: #ff6699
+URxvt*color9: #ff5757
! green
URxvt*color2: #d5f85f
! light green
@@ -68,9 +69,9 @@ URxvt*color4: #00a1e4
! light blue
URxvt*color12: #00b4ff
! magenta
-URxvt*color5: #7d66ff
+URxvt*color5: #d0758b
! light magenta
-URxvt*color13: #a982ff
+URxvt*color13: #d0758b
! cyan
URxvt*color6: #00ccff
! light cyan
diff --git a/.config/herbstluftwm/autostart b/.config/herbstluftwm/autostart
index 787b821..677c2b3 100755
--- a/.config/herbstluftwm/autostart
+++ b/.config/herbstluftwm/autostart
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ hc rule focus=on
hc rule windowtype~'_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_(NOTIFICATION|DOCK)' manage=off
# set apppropriate things to pseudotile
hc rule windowtype~'_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_(DIALOG|UTILITY|SPLASH)' pseudotile=on focus=on
-hc rule class~'(freeciv-sdl|milkytracker|FTL|Tegaki-recognize|Pcsx2|Tilem2|Wine)' pseudotile=on focus=on
+hc rule class~'(SleepIsDeathApp|freeciv-sdl|milkytracker|FTL|Tegaki-recognize|PlayOnLinux|Pcsx2|Tilem2|Wine)' pseudotile=on focus=on
# unlock, just to be sure
hc unlock
@@ -194,12 +194,6 @@ for monitor in $(herbstclient list_monitors | cut -d: -f1) ; do
"$panel" $monitor &
-# add a tray
-if [ -x "$tray" ]; then
- "$tray" &
# run dunst with theme colours
dunst -lb $bg_normal -nb $bg_normal -cb $bg_focus \
-lf $fg_normal -nf $fg_normal -cf $fg_focus \
diff --git a/.config/herbstluftwm/config_vars b/.config/herbstluftwm/config_vars
index 409d586..6f9c4d3 100755
--- a/.config/herbstluftwm/config_vars
+++ b/.config/herbstluftwm/config_vars
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
-## arch blue
+# Arch Blue #
@@ -14,19 +17,39 @@
-## section 9
+# Section 9 #
+# Lain Blind #
diff --git a/.config/herbstluftwm/panel.sh b/.config/herbstluftwm/panel.sh
index b3ff75b..8852924 100755
--- a/.config/herbstluftwm/panel.sh
+++ b/.config/herbstluftwm/panel.sh
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ fields[6]=""
# date
# vertical separator and gap for tray
-fields[8]="%{F${bg_focus}}| %{F${fg_normal}}"
+#fields[8]="%{F${bg_focus}}| %{F${fg_normal}}"
diff --git a/.config/nitrogen/bg-saved.cfg b/.config/nitrogen/bg-saved.cfg
index 396d362..025fc89 100644
--- a/.config/nitrogen/bg-saved.cfg
+++ b/.config/nitrogen/bg-saved.cfg
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/.config/nitrogen/nitrogen.cfg b/.config/nitrogen/nitrogen.cfg
index 48d69f4..9a87a10 100644
--- a/.config/nitrogen/nitrogen.cfg
+++ b/.config/nitrogen/nitrogen.cfg
@@ -7,4 +7,4 @@ sizey=1062
diff --git a/.config/ranger/rifle.conf b/.config/ranger/rifle.conf
index ee189c7..c1291d9 100644
--- a/.config/ranger/rifle.conf
+++ b/.config/ranger/rifle.conf
@@ -74,11 +74,14 @@ ext x?html?, has w3m, terminal = w3m "$@"
# Define the "editor" for text files as first action
mime ^text, label editor = "$EDITOR" -- "$@"
-!mime ^text, label editor, ext xml|csv|tex|py|pl|rb|sh|php = "$EDITOR" -- "$@"
+mime ^text, has urxvt, X, flag f = "urxvt" "-e" "$EDITOR" "$@"
+!mime ^text, ext xml|csv|tex|py|pl|rb|sh|php = "$EDITOR" -- "$@"
+!mime ^text, ext xml|csv|tex|py|pl|rb|sh|php, has urxvt, X, flag f = "urxvt" "-e" "$EDITOR" "$@"
ext 1 = man "$1"
ext exe = wine "$1"
name ^[mM]akefile$ = make
+name ^[mM]akefile$ = make clean
# Code
@@ -110,8 +113,7 @@ mime ^video, terminal, !X, has mplayer = mplayer -- "$@"
# Image Viewing:
-mime ^image, has sxiv, X, flag f = sxiv -- "$@"
-mime ^image, has feh, X, flag f = feh -- "$@"
+mime ^image, has sxiv, X, flag f = sxiv -a "$@"
mime ^image, has gimp, X, flag f = gimp -- "$@"
ext xcf, X, flag f = gimp -- "$@"
@@ -132,15 +134,15 @@ ext od[dfgpst]|docx?|sxc|xlsx?|xlt|xlw|gnm|gnumeric|rtf, has libreoffice, X, fla
# Archives
# This requires atool
-ext cbr|cbz, has comix, X, flag f = comix -- "$@"
-ext iso, has udevil = udevil mount -- "$@"
-ext iso, has udevil = udevil mount -- "$@"
+ext cbr|cbz, has mcomix, X, flag f = mcomix -- "$@"
+ext iso, has udevil = udevil mount "$@"
+ext iso, has udevil = udevil mount "$@"
ext 7z|ace|ar|arc|bz2?|cab|cpio|cpt|deb|dgc|dmg|gz, has als = als -- "$@" | "$PAGER"
ext iso|jar|msi|pkg|rar|shar|tar|tgz|xar|xpi|xz|zip, has als = als -- "$@" | "$PAGER"
ext 7z|ace|ar|arc|bz2?|cab|cpio|cpt|deb|dgc|dmg|gz, has aunpack = aunpack -- "$@"
ext iso|jar|msi|pkg|rar|shar|tar|tgz|xar|xpi|xz|zip, has aunpack = aunpack -- "$@"
-ext 7z|ace|ar|arc|bz2?|cab|cpio|cpt|deb|dgc|dmg|gz, has comix, X, flag f = comix -- "$@"
-ext iso|jar|msi|pkg|rar|shar|tar|tgz|xar|xpi|xz|zip, has comix, X, flag f = comix -- "$@"
+ext 7z|ace|ar|arc|bz2?|cab|cpio|cpt|deb|dgc|dmg|gz, has mcomix, X, flag f = mcomix -- "$@"
+ext iso|jar|msi|pkg|rar|shar|tar|tgz|xar|xpi|xz|zip, has mcomix, X, flag f = mcomix -- "$@"
# Fallback:
ext tar|gz, has tar = tar vvtf "$@" | "$PAGER"
@@ -159,14 +161,6 @@ ext 8xp|8xk|8xv|8xu, has tilp = tilp --no-gui "$@"
ext s[wmf]c, has snes9x-gtk, X flag f = snes9x-gtk "$1"
ext nes|gb|gb[ca], has mednafen, X, flag f = mednafen "$1"
-# Misc
-label wallpaper, number 11, mime ^image, X = feh --bg-scale "$1"
-label wallpaper, number 12, mime ^image, X = feh --bg-tile "$1"
-label wallpaper, number 13, mime ^image, X = feh --bg-center "$1"
-label wallpaper, number 14, mime ^image, X = feh --bg-fill "$1"
# Define the editor for non-text files as last action
- !mime ^text, !ext xml|csv|tex|py|pl|rb|sh|php = ask
label editor, !mime ^text, !ext xml|csv|tex|py|pl|rb|sh|php = "$EDITOR" -- "$@"
+label editor, !mime ^text, !ext xml|csv|tex|py|pl|rb|sh|php, has urxvt, X, flag f = "urxvt" "-e" "$EDITOR" "$@"
diff --git a/.vimrc b/.vimrc
index 77d64b8..1cd50a5 100644
--- a/.vimrc
+++ b/.vimrc
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
syntax on
filetype plugin indent on
-"set omnifunc=syntaxcomplete#Complete
set autoindent
@@ -20,6 +19,13 @@ set hidden
set guifont=Tamsyn\ 11
set guioptions=aegimt
+"i keep accidentally typing these over and over
+command W w
+command Wq wq
+command WQ wq
+command Q q
+command E e
"buffer / tab controls
nnoremap <C-j> :bn<CR>
nnoremap <C-k> :bp<CR>
@@ -130,8 +136,14 @@ endfunction
function! Settings_tex()
+ setlocal noautoindent
+ setlocal nocindent
+ setlocal nosmartindent
+ setlocal indentexpr=
setlocal shiftwidth=4
setlocal tabstop=4
+ let g:tex_comment_nospell=1
+ set spell
nnoremap -- O%<Space>
nnoremap <Leader>c :!latex -output-format=pdf %<CR><CR>
diff --git a/.xinitrc b/.xinitrc
index 3012257..be2964b 100644
--- a/.xinitrc
+++ b/.xinitrc
@@ -33,11 +33,8 @@ xset s off
#urxvt daemon
urxvtd &
-#smplayer screenshot tmp dir
-if [ ! -d /tmp/smplayer_screenshots ]
- mkdir /tmp/smplayer_screenshots
+#QT style mimic gtk
+#export QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE=gtk
xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr
compton -b --backend glx --vsync opengl &
diff --git a/.zshrc b/.zshrc
index d5b07f5..86786df 100644
--- a/.zshrc
+++ b/.zshrc
@@ -19,7 +19,8 @@ bindkey -e
setopt notify
unsetopt beep
-PROMPT="%{%B$fg[white]%}[%{%(!.$fg[red].$fg[magenta])%}%n@%M %{$fg[blue]%}%c%{$fg[white]%}]: %{%b$reset_color%}"
+# PROMPT="%{%B$fg[white]%}[%{%(!.$fg[red].$fg[magenta])%}%n@%M %{$fg[blue]%}%c%{$fg[white]%}]: %{%b$reset_color%}"
+PROMPT="%{%B$fg[white]%}[%{%(!.$fg[red].$fg[magenta])%}%n@%M %{$fg[magenta]%}%c%{$fg[white]%}]: %{%b$reset_color%}"
################# KEYBINDINGS #################
typeset -g -A key