diff options
3 files changed, 126 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/.config/init/funcreqs/srcopen b/.config/init/funcreqs/srcopen
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4891a58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/init/funcreqs/srcopen
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/.config/init/funcs/srcopen b/.config/init/funcs/srcopen
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d910fee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/init/funcs/srcopen
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env zsh
+# edit all source files of type under a directory
+local search_strs
+typeset -A search_strs
+local k
+local koff
+local i
+typeset -i i
+local char
+local input
+local file_list
+typeset -a file_list
+ "c" ".*\.(c|h)"
+ "crystal" ".*\.(cr|h)"
+ "css" ".*\.(css|scss)"
+ "elixir" ".*\.(ex|exs)"
+ "go" ".*\.go"
+ "html" ".*\.(html|xhtml)"
+ "markdown" ".*\.md"
+ "ocaml" ".*\.(ml|mli)"
+ "js" ".*\.js"
+ "tex" ".*\.tex"
+ "vim" ".*\.vim"
+[[ $#@ -eq 0 ]] && return
+[[ $EDITOR == "" ]] && return
+zmodload zsh/curses || return
+zcurses init
+function draw_main() {
+ zcurses clear stdscr
+ width=$COLUMNS
+ zcurses attr stdscr +bold
+ if [[ $width -ge 16 ]]; then
+ zcurses move stdscr 0 $(($width / 2 - 8))
+ zcurses string stdscr "select a filetype"
+ else
+ zcurses move stdscr 0 0
+ zcurses string stdscr "sel"
+ fi
+ zcurses attr stdscr -bold
+ i=0
+ for k in ${(@k)search_strs}; do
+ zcurses move stdscr $((i + 2)) 0
+ zcurses string stdscr $k
+ i=$((i + 1))
+ done
+trap 'draw_main' WINCH
+while true; do
+ zcurses move stdscr $(($#search_strs + 3)) 0
+ zcurses clear stdscr bot
+ zcurses string stdscr "-: $input"
+ zcurses refresh stdscr
+ char=""
+ sleep 0
+ zcurses timeout stdscr 100
+ zcurses input stdscr char
+ # clear
+ [[ $char == "" || $char == "" ]] && input="" && continue
+ # backspace
+ [[ $char == "" && $input != "" ]] && input=${input:0:-1} && continue
+ # tab complete
+ if [[ $char == $'\t' ]]; then
+ seen="false"
+ for k in ${(@k)search_strs}; do
+ [[ $k =~ "^${input}.*$" ]] || continue
+ [[ $seen == "true" ]] && seen="false" && break
+ seen="true"
+ koff=$k
+ done
+ [[ $seen == "true" ]] && input=$koff
+ continue
+ fi
+ # select
+ [[ $char == $'\n' || $char == "" ]] && break
+ # add single alphanum
+ [[ $char =~ "^[a-zA-Z0-9]$" ]] || continue
+ input="$input$char"
+zcurses end
+[[ $input == "" ]] && return
+file_list=( $(find $@ -regextype posix-extended -regex $search_strs[$input]) )
+[[ $#file_list -ne 0 ]] && $EDITOR -- $file_list
diff --git a/.config/ranger/rifle.conf b/.config/ranger/rifle.conf
index 2a4ce83..1e10eb3 100644
--- a/.config/ranger/rifle.conf
+++ b/.config/ranger/rifle.conf
@@ -51,10 +51,10 @@ ext 1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9 = man "$@"
# editor for text files
mime ^text, label editor = "$EDITOR" -- "$@"
-mime ^text, label editor has urxvt, X, flag f = urxvt -e "$EDITOR" "$@"
+mime ^text, label weditor X, flag f t = "$EDITOR" -- "$@"
!mime ^text, ext xml|html|xhtml|csv|tex|py|pl|rb|sh|php = "$EDITOR" -- "$@"
-!mime ^text, ext xml|html|xhtml|csv|tex|py|pl|rb|sh|php, has urxvt, X, flag f = urxvt -e "$EDITOR" "$@"
+!mime ^text, ext xml|html|xhtml|csv|tex|py|pl|rb|sh|php, X, flag f t = "$EDITOR" -- "$@"
# websites
ext x?html?, has firefox, X, flag f = firefox -- "$@"
@@ -141,12 +141,16 @@ name ^[mM]akefile$ = make new
name ^[mM]akefile$ = make clean
name ^[mM]akefile$ = make debug
+# open all files of source type
+directory, has srcopen = srcopen "$@"
+directory, has srcopen, X, flag f t = srcopen "$@"
# music conversion and import
directory, has beet = beet imp -t "$1"
-# edit
-label editor, !mime ^text, !ext xml|csv|tex|py|pl|rb|sh|php = "$EDITOR" -- "$@"
-label editor, !mime ^text, !ext xml|csv|tex|py|pl|rb|sh|php, has urxvt, X, flag f = "urxvt" "-e" "$EDITOR" "$@"
+# editor for misc files
+!directory, !mime ^text, !ext xml|csv|tex|py|pl|rb|sh|php = "$EDITOR" -- "$@"
+!directory, !mime ^text, !ext xml|csv|tex|py|pl|rb|sh|php, X, flag f t = "$EDITOR" -- "$@"
# Send to server & copy to clipboard
has send, X = send "$@"