path: root/syntax
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'syntax')
1 files changed, 249 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/syntax/mips.vim b/syntax/mips.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8d81b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/syntax/mips.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: MIPS
+" Maintainer: Alex Brick <>
+" Last Change: 2007 Oct 18
+if version < 600
+ syntax clear
+elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+setlocal iskeyword+=-
+syntax case match
+syntax match mipsComment /#.*/
+syntax match mipsNumber /\<[-]\?\d\+\>/ " Decimal numbers
+syntax match mipsNumber /\<-\?0\(x\|X\)\d\+\>/ " Hex numbers
+syntax region mipsString start=/"/ skip=/\\"/ end=/"/
+syntax match mipsLabelColon /:/ contained
+syntax match mipsLabel /\w\+:/ contains=mipsLabelColon
+" Registers
+syntax match mipsRegister "\$zero"
+syntax match mipsRegister "\$v0"
+syntax match mipsRegister "\$v1"
+syntax match mipsRegister "\$a0"
+syntax match mipsRegister "\$a1"
+syntax match mipsRegister "\$a2"
+syntax match mipsRegister "\$a3"
+syntax match mipsRegister "\$t0"
+syntax match mipsRegister "\$t1"
+syntax match mipsRegister "\$t2"
+syntax match mipsRegister "\$t3"
+syntax match mipsRegister "\$t4"
+syntax match mipsRegister "\$t5"
+syntax match mipsRegister "\$t6"
+syntax match mipsRegister "\$t7"
+syntax match mipsRegister "\$t8"
+syntax match mipsRegister "\$t9"
+syntax match mipsRegister "\$s0"
+syntax match mipsRegister "\$s1"
+syntax match mipsRegister "\$s2"
+syntax match mipsRegister "\$s3"
+syntax match mipsRegister "\$s4"
+syntax match mipsRegister "\$s5"
+syntax match mipsRegister "\$s6"
+syntax match mipsRegister "\$s7"
+syntax match mipsRegister "\$k0"
+syntax match mipsRegister "\$k1"
+syntax match mipsRegister "\$gp"
+syntax match mipsRegister "\$sp"
+syntax match mipsRegister "\$fp"
+syntax match mipsRegister "\$ra"
+for i in range(0, 31)
+ " This is for the regular registers
+ execute 'syntax match mipsRegister "\$' . i . '\(\d\+\)\@!"'
+ " And this is for the FP registers
+ execute 'syntax match mipsRegister "\$f' . i . '\(\d\+\)\@!"'
+" Directives
+syntax match mipsDirective "\.2byte"
+syntax match mipsDirective "\.4byte"
+syntax match mipsDirective "\.8byte"
+syntax match mipsDirective "\.aent"
+syntax match mipsDirective "\.align"
+syntax match mipsDirective "\.aascii"
+syntax match mipsDirective "\.asciiz"
+syntax match mipsDirective "\.byte"
+syntax match mipsDirective "\.comm"
+syntax match mipsDirective "\.cpadd"
+syntax match mipsDirective "\.cpload"
+syntax match mipsDirective "\.cplocal"
+syntax match mipsDirective "\.cprestore"
+syntax match mipsDirective "\.cpreturn"
+syntax match mipsDirective "\.cpsetup"
+syntax match mipsDirective "\.data"
+syntax match mipsDirective "\.double"
+syntax match mipsDirective "\.dword"
+syntax match mipsDirective "\.dynsym"
+syntax match mipsDirective "\.end"
+syntax match mipsDirective "\.endr"
+syntax match mipsDirective "\.ent"
+syntax match mipsDirective "\.extern"
+syntax match mipsDirective "\.file"
+syntax match mipsDirective "\.float"
+syntax match mipsDirective "\.fmask"
+syntax match mipsDirective "\.frame"
+syntax match mipsDirective "\.globl"
+syntax match mipsDirective "\.gpvalue"
+syntax match mipsDirective "\.gpword"
+syntax match mipsDirective "\.half"
+syntax match mipsDirective "\.kdata"
+syntax match mipsDirective "\.ktext"
+syntax match mipsDirective "\.lab"
+syntax match mipsDirective "\.lcomm"
+syntax match mipsDirective "\.loc"
+syntax match mipsDirective "\.mask"
+syntax match mipsDirective "\.nada"
+syntax match mipsDirective "\.nop"
+syntax match mipsDirective "\.option"
+syntax match mipsDirective "\.origin"
+syntax match mipsDirective "\.repeat"
+syntax match mipsDirective "\.rdata"
+syntax match mipsDirective "\.sdata"
+syntax match mipsDirective "\.section"
+syntax match mipsDirective "\.set"
+syntax match mipsDirective "\.size"
+syntax match mipsDirective "\.space"
+syntax match mipsDirective "\.struct"
+syntax match mipsDirective "\.text"
+syntax match mipsDirective "\.type"
+syntax match mipsDirective "\.verstamp"
+syntax match mipsDirective "\.weakext"
+syntax match mipsDirective "\.word"
+" Arithmetic and Logical Instructions
+syntax keyword mipsInstruction abs
+syntax keyword mipsInstruction add addu addi addiu
+syntax keyword mipsInstruction and andi
+syntax keyword mipsInstruction clo clz
+syntax keyword mipsInstruction div divu
+syntax keyword mipsInstruction mult multu mul mulo mulou madd maddu msub msubu
+syntax keyword mipsInstruction neg negu
+syntax keyword mipsInstruction nor
+syntax keyword mipsInstruction not
+syntax keyword mipsInstruction or ori
+syntax keyword mipsInstruction rem remu
+syntax keyword mipsInstruction sll sllv sra srav srl srlv
+syntax keyword mipsInstruction rol ror
+syntax keyword mipsInstruction sub subu
+syntax keyword mipsInstruction xor xori
+" Constant-Manipulating Instructions
+syntax keyword mipsInstruction lui li
+syntax keyword mipsInstruction slt sltu slti sltiu
+syntax keyword mipsInstruction seq
+syntax keyword mipsInstruction sge sgeu
+syntax keyword mipsInstruction sgt sgtu
+syntax keyword mipsInstruction sle sleu
+syntax keyword mipsInstruction sne
+" Branch Instructions
+syntax keyword mipsInstruction b
+syntax keyword mipsInstruction bc1f bc1t
+syntax keyword mipsInstruction beq beqz
+syntax keyword mipsInstruction bgez bgezal bgtz
+syntax keyword mipsInstruction blez bltzal bltz
+syntax keyword mipsInstruction bne bnez
+syntax keyword mipsInstruction bge bgeu
+syntax keyword mipsInstruction bgt bgtu
+syntax keyword mipsInstruction ble bleu
+syntax keyword mipsInstruction blt bltu
+" Jump Instructions
+syntax keyword mipsInstruction j jal jalr jr
+" Trap Instructions
+syntax keyword mipsInstruction teq teqi
+syntax keyword mipsInstruction tne tnei
+syntax keyword mipsInstruction tge tgeu tgei tgeiu
+syntax keyword mipsInstruction tlt tltu tlti tltiu
+" Load Instructions
+syntax keyword mipsInstruction la
+syntax keyword mipsInstruction lb lbu lh lhu
+syntax keyword mipsInstruction lw lwc1 lwl lwr
+syntax keyword mipsInstruction ld
+syntax keyword mipsInstruction ulh ulhu ulw
+syntax keyword mipsInstruction ll
+" Store Instructions
+syntax keyword mipsInstruction sb sh sw swc1 sdc1 swl swr sd ush usw sc
+" Data Movement Instructions
+syntax keyword mipsInstruction move
+syntax keyword mipsInstruction mfhi mflo
+syntax keyword mipsInstruction mthi mtlo
+syntax keyword mipsInstruction mfc0 mfc1
+syntax match mipsInstruction "mfc1\.d"
+syntax keyword mipsInstruction mtc0 mtc1
+syntax keyword mipsInstruction movn movz movf movt
+" Floating-Point Instructions
+syntax match mipsInstruction "abs\.d"
+syntax match mipsInstruction "abs\.s"
+syntax match mipsInstruction "add\.d"
+syntax match mipsInstruction "add\.s"
+syntax match mipsInstruction "ceil\.w\.d"
+syntax match mipsInstruction "ceil\.w\.s"
+syntax match mipsInstruction "c\.eq\.d"
+syntax match mipsInstruction "c\.eq\.s"
+syntax match mipsInstruction "c\.le\.d"
+syntax match mipsInstruction "c\.le\.s"
+syntax match mipsInstruction "c\.lt\.d"
+syntax match mipsInstruction "c\.lt\.s"
+syntax match mipsInstruction "cvt\.d\.s"
+syntax match mipsInstruction "cvt\.d\.w"
+syntax match mipsInstruction "cvt\.s\.d"
+syntax match mipsInstruction "cvt\.s\.w"
+syntax match mipsInstruction "cvt\.w\.d"
+syntax match mipsInstruction "cvt\.w\.s"
+syntax match mipsInstruction "div\.d"
+syntax match mipsInstruction "div\.s"
+syntax match mipsInstruction "floor\.w\.d"
+syntax match mipsInstruction "floor\.w\.s"
+syntax match mipsInstruction "l\.d"
+syntax match mipsInstruction "l\.s"
+syntax match mipsInstruction "mov\.d"
+syntax match mipsInstruction "mov\.s"
+syntax match mipsInstruction "movf\.d"
+syntax match mipsInstruction "movf\.s"
+syntax match mipsInstruction "movt\.d"
+syntax match mipsInstruction "movt\.s"
+syntax match mipsInstruction "movn\.d"
+syntax match mipsInstruction "movn\.s"
+syntax match mipsInstruction "movz\.d"
+syntax match mipsInstruction "movz\.s"
+syntax match mipsInstruction "mul\.d"
+syntax match mipsInstruction "mul\.s"
+syntax match mipsInstruction "neg\.d"
+syntax match mipsInstruction "neg\.s"
+syntax match mipsInstruction "round\.w\.d"
+syntax match mipsInstruction "round\.w\.s"
+syntax match mipsInstruction "sqrt\.d"
+syntax match mipsInstruction "sqrt\.s"
+syntax match mipsInstruction "s\.d"
+syntax match mipsInstruction "s\.s"
+syntax match mipsInstruction "sub\.d"
+syntax match mipsInstruction "sub\.s"
+syntax match mipsInstruction "trunc\.w\.d"
+syntax match mipsInstruction "trunc\.w\.s"
+" Exception and Interrupt Instructions
+syntax keyword mipsInstruction eret
+syntax keyword mipsInstruction syscall
+syntax keyword mipsInstruction break
+syntax keyword mipsInstruction nop
+hi def link mipsComment Comment
+hi def link mipsNumber Number
+hi def link mipsString String
+hi def link mipsLabel Label
+hi def link mipsRegister Identifier
+hi def link mipsDirective Type
+hi def link mipsInstruction Statement
+let b:current_syntax = "mips"