path: root/README.tex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'README.tex')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 207 deletions
diff --git a/README.tex b/README.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index 6494ee5..0000000
--- a/README.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
-% SETUP %
-%%% -------------------------------------------------------
-%%% universal formatting
-%%% -------------------------------------------------------
-\parindent 0pt
-%%% -------------------------------------------------------
-%%% custom commands
-%%% -------------------------------------------------------
-% a horizontal box with coloured background
- {
- \definecolor{shadecolor}{named}{Azure4}
- \begin{snugshade*}
- \centering\large
- \textcolor{white}{\textbf{-- #1 --}\vphantom{p\^{E}}}
- \end{snugshade*}
- }
- {
- \color{Snow1}
- \sethlcolor{Red1}
- \hl{#1}
- }
- \footnotesize\textcolor{DarkOrchid3}{\textbf{#1}}: & \small #2 \\[8pt]
- \tt\bf\small #1 & \tt\small #2 \\
- % setup
- \frenchspacing
- % C styling
- \lstdefinestyle{customc}{
- language=C,
- basicstyle=\small\ttfamily,
- breaklines=true,
- keepspaces=true,
- xleftmargin=\parindent,
- % colours
- commentstyle=\color{DodgerBlue2},
- identifierstyle=\color{Red1},
- keywordstyle=\color{Purple3},
- stringstyle=\color{SpringGreen4},
- numbers=left,
- showstringspaces=false,
- }
- \myheading{usage}
- Your tests should be written as a single .c file separate from
- the body of text containing your functionality to be tested.
- A simple example might look something like this: \\
- \hrule
- \lstset{style=customc}
- \lstinputlisting{a_simple_example.c}
- \hrule
- \pagebreak
- If both tests above succeed, the output will look like this:\\
- \hrule
- \vspace{8pt}
- % successful output
- \begin{tabular*}{\textwidth}{r@{\ \tt\bf :: }l}
- \mytermrow{1}{\color{Yellow4}description of the first test}
- \mytermrow{2}{\color{Yellow4}this is the second test}
- \mytermrow{ }{\color{DodgerBlue2}grabbing heap string...}
- \mytermrow{ }{\color{SpringGreen4}success!}
- \end{tabular*}
- \vspace{8pt}
- \hrule
- \vspace{20pt}
- If the first test fails, it will look something like this:\\
- \hrule
- \vspace{8pt}
- % failed output
- \begin{tabular*}{\textwidth}{r@{\ \tt\bf :: }l}
- \mytermrow{1}{\color{Yellow4}description of the first test}
- \mytermrow{ }{\color{Red1}FAIL: error message shown on failing}
- \mytermrow{ }{\textcolor{SpringGreen4}{\textbf{\ \ expected:}}6}
- \mytermrow{ }{\textcolor{Red1}{\textbf{\ \ \ \ actual:}}0}
- \end{tabular*}
- \vspace{8pt}
- \hrule
- \pagebreak
- \myheading{defined macros}
- \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{r@{\ }X}
- \mymacrow{BEGIN\_TEST}{
- must appear before all tests and
- after all global variable declarations
- }
- \mymacrow{END\_TEST}{
- must appear at the end of your test
- program
- }
- \mymacrow{CLEANUP(statements)}{
- this defines a list of statements to run
- when the test exits, either successfully or
- on a failure. it isn't necessary for a test
- to run, but, if it does appear, it must be
- after the declaration of all variables to
- which it makes reference.
- }
- \mymacrow{RETURN()}{
- place at the end of a test which uses
- CLEANUP to ensure it is called before the
- test exits. i couldn't find any way around
- this without using more than just one
- header file, so i hope it isn't too annoying.
- }
- \mymacrow{STATE(description)}{
- show a prettily-formatted description of the
- program's state during a test. takes printf-style
- arguments.
- }
- \mymacrow{EXPECT\_ZERO(summary, arg)}{
- fail if \texttt{arg} does not resolve to 0
- }
- \mymacrow{EXPECT\_ONE(summary, arg)}{
- fail if \texttt{arg} does not resolve to 1
- }
- \mymacrow{EXPECT\_GREATER\_THAN\_ZERO(summary, arg)}{
- fail if \texttt{arg} does not resolve to a value
- greater than 0. this will be replaced with more
- generic integer comparisons soon.
- }
- \mymacrow{EXPECT\_INT(summary, arg1, arg2)}{
- fail if \texttt{arg2} does not match the
- expected integer value \texttt{arg1}
- }
- \mymacrow{EXPECT\_EQUAL\_INT(summary, arg1, arg2)}{
- fail if \texttt{arg1} and \texttt{arg2} are
- not equal
- }
- \mymacrow{EXPECT\_UNEQUAL\_INT(summary, arg1, arg2)}{
- fail if \texttt{arg1} and \texttt{arg2} are
- equal
- }
- \mymacrow{EXPECT\_STR(summary, arg1, arg2)}{
- fail if string \texttt{arg2} does not match the
- expected string value \texttt{arg1}
- }
- \mymacrow{EXPECT\_EQUAL\_STR(summary, arg1, arg2)}{
- fail if \texttt{arg1} and \texttt{arg2} are
- not equivalent strings
- }
- \mymacrow{EXPECT\_UNEQUAL\_STR(summary, arg1, arg2)}{
- fail if \texttt{arg1} and \texttt{arg2} are
- equivalent strings
- }
- \end{tabularx}