path: root/autoload.vim
diff options
authorPeter Odding <peter@peterodding.com>2010-08-09 17:52:56 +0200
committerPeter Odding <peter@peterodding.com>2010-08-09 17:52:56 +0200
commit89f9205ff840329aa75166249a99b1d0f227d661 (patch)
tree539040f39d4f9079ebdddecffe7e4502406fda7a /autoload.vim
parent9d4c5c8823411cddaeee61a58141e453ea897da0 (diff)
Enable commands like :UpdateTags -R ~/.vim
* The :UpdateTags command now passes any arguments given to it on to Exuberant Ctags, which sounds simple enough but required a complex implementation. This means users can now do things like: :UpdateTags -R ~/.vim Because Ctags can be run easily from inside Vim, users won't have to run it manually from the command line. The plug-in also makes sure the required command-line options to Ctags are always used. * Fixed a problem most users will probably never encounter. I'm not sure whether this is by design or an implementation detail but it's possible for the "!_TAG_FILE_SORTED" header to appear after one or more tags and Vim will apparently still use the header! For this reason the easytags#write_tagsfile() function should also recognize it, otherwise Vim might complain with "E432: Tags file not sorted". * Always sort tags in easytags#write_tagsfile() (understands foldcase) * Finally documented the :UpdateTags and :HighlightTags commands. * The dynamic highlighting can now be disabled for individual buffers, which can come in handy when the highlighting conflicts with another plug-in: Just set the 'b:easytags_nohl' variable to any value. * Removed hard wrapping from README.md because I've recently switched to a 21" external monitor ;-)
Diffstat (limited to 'autoload.vim')
1 files changed, 178 insertions, 73 deletions
diff --git a/autoload.vim b/autoload.vim
index d4e041f..35fee2c 100644
--- a/autoload.vim
+++ b/autoload.vim
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
" Vim script
" Author: Peter Odding <peter@peterodding.com>
-" Last Change: July 20, 2010
+" Last Change: August 9, 2010
" URL: http://peterodding.com/code/vim/easytags/
let s:script = expand('<sfile>:p:~')
@@ -14,17 +14,17 @@ function! easytags#autoload() " {{{2
if pathname != ''
let tags_outdated = getftime(pathname) > getftime(easytags#get_tagsfile())
if tags_outdated || !easytags#file_has_tags(pathname)
- UpdateTags
+ call easytags#update(1, 0)
" Apply highlighting of tags in global tags file to current buffer?
if &eventignore !~? '\<syntax\>'
if !exists('b:easytags_last_highlighted')
- HighlightTags
+ call easytags#highlight()
for tagfile in tagfiles()
if getftime(tagfile) > b:easytags_last_highlighted
- HighlightTags
+ call easytags#highlight()
@@ -36,68 +36,143 @@ function! easytags#autoload() " {{{2
-function! easytags#update_cmd(filter_invalid_tags) " {{{2
+function! easytags#update(silent, filter_tags, ...) " {{{2
- let filename = s:resolve(expand('%:p'))
- let ft_supported = index(easytags#supported_filetypes(), &ft) >= 0
- let ft_ignored = g:easytags_ignored_filetypes != '' && &ft =~ g:easytags_ignored_filetypes
- let update_tags = (filename != '') && ft_supported && !ft_ignored
- if update_tags || a:filter_invalid_tags
- let start = xolox#timer#start()
- let tagsfile = easytags#get_tagsfile()
- let command = [g:easytags_cmd, '-f', shellescape(tagsfile), '--fields=+l']
- if !filereadable(tagsfile)
- call add(command, '--sort=' . (&ic ? 'foldcase' : 'yes'))
- else
- call add(command, '-a')
- let filter_file_tags = update_tags && easytags#file_has_tags(filename)
- if a:filter_invalid_tags || filter_file_tags
- let [header, entries] = easytags#read_tagsfile(tagsfile)
- let num_entries = len(entries)
- call s:set_tagged_files(entries)
- let filters = []
- if filter_file_tags
- let filename_pattern = '\t' . xolox#escape#pattern(filename) . '\t'
- call add(filters, 'v:val !~ filename_pattern')
- endif
- if a:filter_invalid_tags
- call add(filters, 'filereadable(get(split(v:val, "\t"), 1))')
- endif
- call filter(entries, join(filters, ' && '))
- if len(entries) != num_entries
- if !easytags#write_tagsfile(tagsfile, header, entries)
- let msg = "Failed to write filtered tags file %s!"
- throw printf(msg, fnamemodify(tagsfile, ':~'))
- endif
- endif
- endif
- endif
- if update_tags
- call add(command, '--language-force=' . easytags#to_ctags_ft(&ft))
- call add(command, shellescape(filename))
- let listing = system(join(command))
- if v:shell_error
- let msg = "Failed to update tags file %s: %s!"
- throw printf(msg, fnamemodify(tagsfile, ':~'), strtrans(listing))
- endif
- call easytags#add_tagged_file(filename)
+ let starttime = xolox#timer#start()
+ let cfile = s:check_cfile(a:silent, a:filter_tags, a:0 > 0)
+ let tagsfile = easytags#get_tagsfile()
+ let firstrun = !filereadable(tagsfile)
+ let cmdline = s:prep_cmdline(cfile, tagsfile, firstrun, a:000)
+ let output = s:run_ctags(starttime, cfile, tagsfile, firstrun, cmdline)
+ if !firstrun
+ let num_filtered = s:filter_merge_tags(a:filter_tags, tagsfile, output)
+ if cfile != ''
let msg = "%s: Updated tags for %s in %s."
- call xolox#timer#stop(msg, s:script, expand('%:p:~'), start)
+ call xolox#timer#stop(msg, s:script, expand('%:p:~'), starttime)
+ elseif a:0 > 0
+ let msg = "%s: Updated tags in %s."
+ call xolox#timer#stop(msg, s:script, starttime)
- let msg = "%s: Filtered invalid tags in %s."
- call xolox#timer#stop(msg, s:script, start)
+ let msg = "%s: Filtered %i invalid tags in %s."
+ call xolox#timer#stop(msg, s:script, num_filtered, starttime)
- return 1
- return 0
+ return 1
call xolox#warning("%s: %s (at %s)", s:script, v:exception, v:throwpoint)
-function! easytags#highlight_cmd() " {{{2
+function! s:check_cfile(silent, filter_tags, have_args) " {{{3
+ if a:have_args
+ return ''
+ endif
+ let cfile = s:resolve(expand('%:p'))
+ let silent = a:silent || a:filter_tags
+ if cfile == '' || !filereadable(cfile)
+ if silent | return '' | endif
+ throw "You'll need to save your file before using :UpdateTags!"
+ elseif g:easytags_ignored_filetypes != '' && &ft =~ g:easytags_ignored_filetypes
+ if silent | return '' | endif
+ throw "The " . string(&ft) . " file type is explicitly ignored."
+ elseif index(easytags#supported_filetypes(), &ft) == -1
+ if silent | return '' | endif
+ throw "Exuberant Ctags doesn't support the " . string(&ft) . " file type!"
+ endif
+ return cfile
+function! s:prep_cmdline(cfile, tagsfile, firstrun, arguments) " {{{3
+ let cmdline = [g:easytags_cmd, '--fields=+l']
+ if a:firstrun
+ call add(cmdline, shellescape('-f' . a:tagsfile))
+ call add(cmdline, '--sort=' . (&ic ? 'foldcase' : 'yes'))
+ else
+ call add(cmdline, '--sort=no')
+ call add(cmdline, '-f-')
+ endif
+ if a:cfile != ''
+ let filetype = easytags#to_ctags_ft(&filetype)
+ call add(cmdline, shellescape('--language-force=' . filetype))
+ call add(cmdline, shellescape(a:cfile))
+ else
+ for fname in a:arguments
+ let matches = split(expand(fname), "\n")
+ call extend(cmdline, map(matches, 'shellescape(v:val)'))
+ endfor
+ endif
+ " No need to run Exuberant Ctags without any filename arguments!
+ return len(cmdline) > 4 ? join(cmdline) : ''
+function! s:run_ctags(starttime, cfile, tagsfile, firstrun, cmdline) " {{{3
+ let output = ''
+ if a:cmdline != ''
+ let output = system(a:cmdline)
+ if v:shell_error
+ let msg = "Failed to update tags file %s: %s!"
+ throw printf(msg, fnamemodify(a:tagsfile, ':~'), strtrans(output))
+ elseif a:firstrun
+ if a:cfile != ''
+ call easytags#add_tagged_file(a:cfile)
+ call xolox#timer#stop("%s: Created tags for %s in %s.", s:script, expand('%:p:~'), a:starttime)
+ else
+ call xolox#timer#stop("%s: Created tags in %s.", s:script, a:starttime)
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ return output
+function! s:filter_merge_tags(filter_tags, tagsfile, output) " {{{3
+ let [headers, entries] = easytags#read_tagsfile(a:tagsfile)
+ call s:set_tagged_files(entries)
+ let filters = []
+ let s:cached_filenames = {}
+ let new_entries = split(a:output, "\n")
+ let tagged_files = s:find_tagged_files(new_entries)
+ if !empty(tagged_files)
+ call add(filters, '!has_key(tagged_files, s:canonicalize(get(v:val, 1)))')
+ endif
+ if a:filter_tags
+ call add(filters, 'filereadable(get(v:val, 1))')
+ endif
+ let num_old_entries = len(entries)
+ if !empty(filters)
+ call filter(entries, join(filters, ' && '))
+ endif
+ unlet s:cached_filenames
+ let num_filtered = num_old_entries - len(entries)
+ call map(entries, 'join(v:val, "\t")')
+ call extend(entries, new_entries)
+ if !easytags#write_tagsfile(a:tagsfile, headers, entries)
+ let msg = "Failed to write filtered tags file %s!"
+ throw printf(msg, fnamemodify(a:tagsfile, ':~'))
+ endif
+ return num_filtered
+function! s:find_tagged_files(new_entries) " {{{3
+ let tagged_files = {}
+ for line in a:new_entries
+ " Never corrupt the tags file by merging an invalid line
+ " (probably an error message) with the existing tags!
+ if match(line, '^[^\t]\+\t[^\t]\+\t.\+$') == -1
+ throw "Exuberant Ctags returned invalid data: " . strtrans(line)
+ endif
+ let filename = matchstr(line, '^[^\t]\+\t\zs[^\t]\+')
+ if !has_key(tagged_files, filename)
+ let filename = s:canonicalize(filename)
+ let tagged_files[filename] = 1
+ call easytags#add_tagged_file(filename)
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return tagged_files
+function! easytags#highlight() " {{{2
- if exists('g:syntax_on') && has_key(s:tagkinds, &ft)
+ if exists('g:syntax_on') && has_key(s:tagkinds, &ft) && !exists('b:easytags_nohl')
let start = xolox#timer#start()
if !has_key(s:aliases, &ft)
let taglist = filter(taglist('.'), "get(v:val, 'language', '') ==? &ft")
@@ -133,6 +208,7 @@ function! easytags#highlight_cmd() " {{{2
let msg = "%s: Highlighted tags in %s in %s."
call xolox#timer#stop(msg, s:script, bufname, start)
+ return 1
call xolox#warning("%s: %s (at %s)", s:script, v:exception, v:throwpoint)
@@ -158,28 +234,48 @@ function! easytags#supported_filetypes() " {{{2
function! easytags#read_tagsfile(tagsfile) " {{{2
- let lines = readfile(a:tagsfile)
- let header = []
- while lines != [] && lines[0] =~# '^!_TAG_'
- call insert(header, remove(lines, 0))
- endwhile
- while lines != [] && lines[-1] == ''
- call remove(lines, -1)
- endwhile
- return [header, lines]
+ " I'm not sure whether this is by design or an implementation detail but
+ " it's possible for the "!_TAG_FILE_SORTED" header to appear after one or
+ " more tags and Vim will apparently still use the header! For this reason
+ " the easytags#write_tagsfile() function should also recognize it, otherwise
+ " Vim might complain with "E432: Tags file not sorted".
+ let headers = []
+ let entries = []
+ let pattern = '^\([^\t]\+\)\t\([^\t]\+\)\t\(.\+\)$'
+ for line in readfile(a:tagsfile)
+ if line =~# '^!_TAG_'
+ call add(headers, line)
+ else
+ call add(entries, matchlist(line, pattern)[1:3])
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return [headers, entries]
-function! easytags#write_tagsfile(tagsfile, header, entries) " {{{2
+function! easytags#write_tagsfile(tagsfile, headers, entries) " {{{2
+ " This function always sorts the tags file but understands "foldcase".
+ let sort_order = 1
+ for line in a:headers
+ if match(line, '^!_TAG_FILE_SORTED\t2') == 0
+ let sort_order = 2
+ endif
+ endfor
+ if sort_order == 1
+ call sort(a:entries)
+ else
+ call sort(a:entries, 1)
+ endif
let lines = []
if has('win32') || has('win64')
- for line in a:header
+ " Exuberant Ctags on Windows requires \r\n but Vim's writefile() doesn't add them!
+ for line in a:headers
call add(lines, line . "\r")
- for entry in a:entries
- call add(lines, entry . "\r")
+ for line in a:entries
+ call add(lines, line . "\r")
- call extend(lines, a:header)
+ call extend(lines, a:headers)
call extend(lines, a:entries)
return writefile(lines, a:tagsfile) == 0
@@ -269,11 +365,21 @@ function! s:resolve(filename) " {{{2
+function! s:canonicalize(filename) " {{{2
+ if has_key(s:cached_filenames, a:filename)
+ return s:cached_filenames[a:filename]
+ endif
+ let canonical = s:resolve(fnamemodify(a:filename, ':p'))
+ let s:cached_filenames[a:filename] = canonical
+ return canonical
+ endif
function! s:cache_tagged_files() " {{{2
if !exists('s:tagged_files')
let tagsfile = easytags#get_tagsfile()
- let [header, entries] = easytags#read_tagsfile(tagsfile)
+ let [headers, entries] = easytags#read_tagsfile(tagsfile)
call s:set_tagged_files(entries)
catch /\<E484\>/
" Ignore missing tags file.
@@ -287,10 +393,9 @@ function! s:set_tagged_files(entries) " {{{2
" automatically used :-)
let s:tagged_files = {}
for entry in a:entries
- let filename = matchstr(entry, '^[^\t]\+\t\zs[^\t]\+')
+ let filename = get(entry, 1, '')
if filename != ''
- let filename = s:resolve(filename)
- let s:tagged_files[filename] = 1
+ let s:tagged_files[s:resolve(filename)] = 1