path: root/autoload/xolox
diff options
authorPeter Odding <peter@peterodding.com>2011-06-14 06:43:24 +0200
committerPeter Odding <peter@peterodding.com>2011-06-14 06:43:24 +0200
commit9abe34873b1ea7c5fcc0bad20b311d85b04fc648 (patch)
treef92bb8e6e59a7e59162a31c9ff37207ba4cf077b /autoload/xolox
parent980843ec662fa06990f3522999b2ad53e3cf625a (diff)
2x faster syntax highlighting using Python Interface to Vim :-)
Diffstat (limited to 'autoload/xolox')
1 files changed, 109 insertions, 46 deletions
diff --git a/autoload/xolox/easytags.vim b/autoload/xolox/easytags.vim
index 9388d0b..b9c23ca 100644
--- a/autoload/xolox/easytags.vim
+++ b/autoload/xolox/easytags.vim
@@ -240,32 +240,50 @@ function! xolox#easytags#highlight() " {{{2
let tagkinds = get(s:tagkinds, filetype, [])
if exists('g:syntax_on') && !empty(tagkinds) && !exists('b:easytags_nohl')
let starttime = xolox#misc#timer#start()
- if !has_key(s:aliases, filetype)
- let ctags_filetype = xolox#easytags#to_ctags_ft(filetype)
- let taglist = filter(taglist('.'), "get(v:val, 'language', '') ==? ctags_filetype")
- else
- let aliases = s:aliases[&ft]
- let taglist = filter(taglist('.'), "has_key(aliases, tolower(get(v:val, 'language', '')))")
- endif
+ let used_python = 0
for tagkind in tagkinds
let hlgroup_tagged = tagkind.hlgroup . 'Tag'
- if hlexists(hlgroup_tagged)
- execute 'syntax clear' hlgroup_tagged
- else
+ " Define style on first run, clear highlighting on later runs.
+ if !hlexists(hlgroup_tagged)
execute 'highlight def link' hlgroup_tagged tagkind.hlgroup
+ else
+ execute 'syntax clear' hlgroup_tagged
- let matches = filter(copy(taglist), tagkind.filter)
- if matches != []
- call map(matches, 'xolox#misc#escape#pattern(get(v:val, "name"))')
- let pattern = tagkind.pattern_prefix . '\%(' . join(xolox#misc#list#unique(matches), '\|') . '\)' . tagkind.pattern_suffix
- let template = 'syntax match %s /%s/ containedin=ALLBUT,.*String.*,.*Comment.*,cIncluded'
- let command = printf(template, hlgroup_tagged, escape(pattern, '/'))
- try
- execute command
- catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E339/
- let msg = "easytags.vim: Failed to highlight %i %s tags because pattern is too big! (%i KB)"
- call xolox#misc#msg#warn(printf(msg, len(matches), tagkind.hlgroup, len(pattern) / 1024))
- endtry
+ " Try to perform the highlighting using the fast Python script.
+ if s:highlight_with_python(hlgroup_tagged, tagkind)
+ let used_python = 1
+ else
+ " Fall back to the slow and naive Vim script implementation.
+ if !exists('taglist')
+ " Get the list of tags when we need it and remember the results.
+ if !has_key(s:aliases, filetype)
+ let ctags_filetype = xolox#easytags#to_ctags_ft(filetype)
+ let taglist = filter(taglist('.'), "get(v:val, 'language', '') ==? ctags_filetype")
+ else
+ let aliases = s:aliases[&ft]
+ let taglist = filter(taglist('.'), "has_key(aliases, tolower(get(v:val, 'language', '')))")
+ endif
+ endif
+ " Filter a copy of the list of tags to the relevant kinds.
+ if has_key(tagkind, 'tagkinds')
+ let filter = 'v:val.kind =~ tagkind.tagkinds'
+ else
+ let filter = tagkind.vim_filter
+ endif
+ let matches = filter(copy(taglist), filter)
+ if matches != []
+ " Convert matched tags to :syntax command and execute it.
+ call map(matches, 'xolox#misc#escape#pattern(get(v:val, "name"))')
+ let pattern = tagkind.pattern_prefix . '\%(' . join(xolox#misc#list#unique(matches), '\|') . '\)' . tagkind.pattern_suffix
+ let template = 'syntax match %s /%s/ containedin=ALLBUT,.*String.*,.*Comment.*,cIncluded'
+ let command = printf(template, hlgroup_tagged, escape(pattern, '/'))
+ try
+ execute command
+ catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E339/
+ let msg = "easytags.vim: Failed to highlight %i %s tags because pattern is too big! (%i KB)"
+ call xolox#misc#msg#warn(printf(msg, len(matches), tagkind.hlgroup, len(pattern) / 1024))
+ endtry
+ endif
@@ -273,8 +291,8 @@ function! xolox#easytags#highlight() " {{{2
if bufname == ''
let bufname = 'unnamed buffer #' . bufnr('%')
- let msg = "%s: Highlighted tags in %s in %s."
- call xolox#misc#timer#stop(msg, s:script, bufname, starttime)
+ let msg = "%s: Highlighted tags in %s in %s%s."
+ call xolox#misc#timer#stop(msg, s:script, bufname, starttime, used_python ? " (using Python)" : "")
return 1
@@ -561,6 +579,49 @@ endfunction
let s:cached_filenames = {}
+function! s:python_available() " {{{2
+ if !exists('s:is_python_available')
+ try
+ execute 'pyfile' fnameescape(g:easytags_python_script)
+ redir => output
+ silent python easytags_ping()
+ redir END
+ let s:is_python_available = (output =~ 'it works!')
+ catch
+ let s:is_python_available = 0
+ endtry
+ endif
+ return s:is_python_available
+function! s:highlight_with_python(syntax_group, tagkind) " {{{2
+ if g:easytags_python_enabled && s:python_available()
+ " Gather arguments for Python function.
+ let context = {}
+ let context['tagsfiles'] = tagfiles()
+ let context['syntaxgroup'] = a:syntax_group
+ let context['filetype'] = xolox#easytags#to_ctags_ft(&ft)
+ let context['tagkinds'] = get(a:tagkind, 'tagkinds', '')
+ let context['prefix'] = get(a:tagkind, 'pattern_prefix', '')
+ let context['suffix'] = get(a:tagkind, 'pattern_suffix', '')
+ let context['filters'] = get(a:tagkind, 'python_filter', {})
+ " Call the Python function and intercept the output.
+ try
+ redir => commands
+ python import vim
+ silent python print easytags_gensyncmd(**vim.eval('context'))
+ redir END
+ execute commands
+ return 1
+ catch
+ redir END
+ " If the Python script raised an error, don't run it again.
+ let g:easytags_python_enabled = 0
+ endtry
+ endif
+ return 0
" Built-in file type & tag kind definitions. {{{1
" Don't bother redefining everything below when this script is sourced again.
@@ -591,29 +652,29 @@ set cpo&vim
call xolox#easytags#define_tagkind({
\ 'filetype': 'lua',
\ 'hlgroup': 'luaFunc',
- \ 'filter': 'get(v:val, "kind") ==# "f"'})
+ \ 'tagkinds': 'f'})
" C. {{{2
call xolox#easytags#define_tagkind({
\ 'filetype': 'c',
\ 'hlgroup': 'cType',
- \ 'filter': 'get(v:val, "kind") =~# "[cgstu]"'})
+ \ 'tagkinds': '[cgstu]'})
call xolox#easytags#define_tagkind({
\ 'filetype': 'c',
\ 'hlgroup': 'cEnum',
- \ 'filter': 'get(v:val, "kind") ==# "e"'})
+ \ 'tagkinds': 'e'})
call xolox#easytags#define_tagkind({
\ 'filetype': 'c',
\ 'hlgroup': 'cPreProc',
- \ 'filter': 'get(v:val, "kind") ==# "d"'})
+ \ 'tagkinds': 'd'})
call xolox#easytags#define_tagkind({
\ 'filetype': 'c',
\ 'hlgroup': 'cFunction',
- \ 'filter': 'get(v:val, "kind") =~# "[fp]"'})
+ \ 'tagkinds': '[fp]'})
highlight def link cEnum Identifier
highlight def link cFunction Function
@@ -622,7 +683,7 @@ if g:easytags_include_members
call xolox#easytags#define_tagkind({
\ 'filetype': 'c',
\ 'hlgroup': 'cMember',
- \ 'filter': 'get(v:val, "kind") ==# "m"'})
+ \ 'tagkinds': 'm'})
highlight def link cMember Identifier
@@ -631,27 +692,27 @@ endif
call xolox#easytags#define_tagkind({
\ 'filetype': 'php',
\ 'hlgroup': 'phpFunctions',
- \ 'filter': 'get(v:val, "kind") ==# "f"',
+ \ 'tagkinds': 'f',
\ 'pattern_suffix': '(\@='})
call xolox#easytags#define_tagkind({
\ 'filetype': 'php',
\ 'hlgroup': 'phpClasses',
- \ 'filter': 'get(v:val, "kind") ==# "c"'})
+ \ 'tagkinds': 'c'})
" Vim script. {{{2
call xolox#easytags#define_tagkind({
\ 'filetype': 'vim',
\ 'hlgroup': 'vimAutoGroup',
- \ 'filter': 'get(v:val, "kind") ==# "a"'})
+ \ 'tagkinds': 'a'})
highlight def link vimAutoGroup vimAutoEvent
call xolox#easytags#define_tagkind({
\ 'filetype': 'vim',
\ 'hlgroup': 'vimCommand',
- \ 'filter': 'get(v:val, "kind") ==# "c"',
+ \ 'tagkinds': 'c',
\ 'pattern_prefix': '\(\(^\|\s\):\?\)\@<=',
\ 'pattern_suffix': '\(!\?\(\s\|$\)\)\@='})
@@ -663,13 +724,15 @@ call xolox#easytags#define_tagkind({
call xolox#easytags#define_tagkind({
\ 'filetype': 'vim',
\ 'hlgroup': 'vimFuncName',
- \ 'filter': 'get(v:val, "kind") ==# "f" && get(v:val, "cmd") !~? ''<sid>\w\|\<s:\w''',
+ \ 'vim_filter': 'v:val.kind ==# "f" && get(v:val, "cmd", "") !~? ''<sid>\w\|\<s:\w''',
+ \ 'python_filter': { 'kind': 'f', 'nomatch': '(?i)(<sid>\w|\bs:\w)' },
\ 'pattern_prefix': '\C\%(\<s:\|<[sS][iI][dD]>\)\@<!\<'})
call xolox#easytags#define_tagkind({
\ 'filetype': 'vim',
\ 'hlgroup': 'vimScriptFuncName',
- \ 'filter': 'get(v:val, "kind") ==# "f" && get(v:val, "cmd") =~? ''<sid>\w\|\<s:\w''',
+ \ 'vim_filter': 'v:val.kind ==# "f" && get(v:val, "cmd", "") =~? ''<sid>\w\|\<s:\w''',
+ \ 'python_filter': { 'kind': 'f', 'match': '(?i)(<sid>\w|\bs:\w)' },
\ 'pattern_prefix': '\C\%(\<s:\|<[sS][iI][dD]>\)'})
highlight def link vimScriptFuncName vimFuncName
@@ -679,19 +742,19 @@ highlight def link vimScriptFuncName vimFuncName
call xolox#easytags#define_tagkind({
\ 'filetype': 'python',
\ 'hlgroup': 'pythonFunction',
- \ 'filter': 'get(v:val, "kind") ==# "f"',
+ \ 'tagkinds': 'f',
\ 'pattern_prefix': '\%(\<def\s\+\)\@<!\<'})
call xolox#easytags#define_tagkind({
\ 'filetype': 'python',
\ 'hlgroup': 'pythonMethod',
- \ 'filter': 'get(v:val, "kind") ==# "m"',
+ \ 'tagkinds': 'm',
\ 'pattern_prefix': '\.\@<='})
call xolox#easytags#define_tagkind({
\ 'filetype': 'python',
\ 'hlgroup': 'pythonClass',
- \ 'filter': 'get(v:val, "kind") ==# "c"'})
+ \ 'tagkinds': 'c'})
highlight def link pythonMethodTag pythonFunction
highlight def link pythonClassTag pythonFunction
@@ -701,12 +764,12 @@ highlight def link pythonClassTag pythonFunction
call xolox#easytags#define_tagkind({
\ 'filetype': 'java',
\ 'hlgroup': 'javaClass',
- \ 'filter': 'get(v:val, "kind") ==# "c"'})
+ \ 'tagkinds': 'c'})
call xolox#easytags#define_tagkind({
\ 'filetype': 'java',
\ 'hlgroup': 'javaMethod',
- \ 'filter': 'get(v:val, "kind") ==# "m"'})
+ \ 'tagkinds': 'm'})
highlight def link javaClass Identifier
highlight def link javaMethod Function
@@ -721,12 +784,12 @@ highlight def link javaMethod Function
call xolox#easytags#define_tagkind({
\ 'filetype': 'cs',
\ 'hlgroup': 'csClassOrStruct',
- \ 'filter': 'get(v:val, "kind") ==# "c"'})
+ \ 'tagkinds': 'c'})
call xolox#easytags#define_tagkind({
\ 'filetype': 'cs',
\ 'hlgroup': 'csMethod',
- \ 'filter': 'get(v:val, "kind") =~# "[ms]"'})
+ \ 'tagkinds': '[ms]'})
highlight def link csClassOrStruct Identifier
highlight def link csMethod Function
@@ -736,17 +799,17 @@ highlight def link csMethod Function
call xolox#easytags#define_tagkind({
\ 'filetype': 'ruby',
\ 'hlgroup': 'rubyModuleName',
- \ 'filter': 'get(v:val, "kind") ==# "m"'})
+ \ 'tagkinds': 'm'})
call xolox#easytags#define_tagkind({
\ 'filetype': 'ruby',
\ 'hlgroup': 'rubyClassName',
- \ 'filter': 'get(v:val, "kind") ==# "c"'})
+ \ 'tagkinds': 'c'})
call xolox#easytags#define_tagkind({
\ 'filetype': 'ruby',
\ 'hlgroup': 'rubyMethodName',
- \ 'filter': 'get(v:val, "kind") =~# "[fF]"'})
+ \ 'tagkinds': '[fF]'})
highlight def link rubyModuleName Type
highlight def link rubyClassName Type