path: root/autoload.vim
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'autoload.vim')
1 files changed, 99 insertions, 82 deletions
diff --git a/autoload.vim b/autoload.vim
index 600135a..4ec3f2a 100644
--- a/autoload.vim
+++ b/autoload.vim
@@ -4,34 +4,84 @@
" URL: http://peterodding.com/code/vim/easytags
function! easytags#autoload() " {{{1
- " Update the entries for the current file in the global tags file?
- let start = xolox#timer#start()
- if getftime(expand('%')) > getftime(easytags#get_tagsfile())
- UpdateTags
- call xolox#timer#stop(start, "easytags.vim: Automatically updated tags in %s second(s)")
- endif
- " Apply highlighting of tags in global tags file to current buffer?
- if &eventignore !~? '\<syntax\>'
+ try
+ " Update the entries for the current file in the global tags file?
let start = xolox#timer#start()
- if !exists('b:easytags_last_highlighted')
- HighlightTags
- else
- for tagfile in tagfiles()
- if getftime(tagfile) > b:easytags_last_highlighted
- HighlightTags
- break
- endif
- endfor
+ if getftime(expand('%')) > getftime(easytags#get_tagsfile())
+ UpdateTags
+ call xolox#timer#stop(start, "easytags.vim: Automatically updated tags in %s second(s)")
- let b:easytags_last_highlighted = localtime()
- call xolox#timer#stop(start, "easytags.vim: Automatically highlighted tags in %s second(s)")
- endif
+ " Apply highlighting of tags in global tags file to current buffer?
+ if &eventignore !~? '\<syntax\>'
+ let start = xolox#timer#start()
+ if !exists('b:easytags_last_highlighted')
+ HighlightTags
+ else
+ for tagfile in tagfiles()
+ if getftime(tagfile) > b:easytags_last_highlighted
+ HighlightTags
+ break
+ endif
+ endfor
+ endif
+ let b:easytags_last_highlighted = localtime()
+ call xolox#timer#stop(start, "easytags.vim: Automatically highlighted tags in %s second(s)")
+ endif
+ catch
+ call xolox#warning("easytags.vim: %s (at %s)", v:exception, v:throwpoint)
+ endtry
function! easytags#update_cmd(filter_invalid_tags) " {{{1
+ try
+ let supported_filetype = index(easytags#supported_filetypes(), &ft) >= 0
+ if supported_filetype || a:filter_invalid_tags
+ let start = xolox#timer#start()
+ let tagsfile = easytags#get_tagsfile()
+ let filename = expand('%:p')
+ if g:easytags_resolve_links
+ let filename = resolve(filename)
+ endif
+ let command = [g:easytags_cmd, '-f', shellescape(tagsfile)]
+ if filereadable(tagsfile)
+ call add(command, '-a')
+ let start_filter = xolox#timer#start()
+ let lines = readfile(tagsfile)
+ let filters = []
+ if supported_filetype
+ let filename_pattern = '\s' . xolox#escape#pattern(filename) . '\s'
+ call add(filters, 'v:val !~ filename_pattern')
+ endif
+ if a:filter_invalid_tags
+ call add(filters, 'filereadable(get(split(v:val, "\t"), 1))')
+ endif
+ let filter = 'v:val =~ "^!_TAG_" || (' . join(filters, ' && ') . ')'
+ let filtered = filter(copy(lines), filter)
+ if lines != filtered
+ if writefile(filtered, tagsfile) != 0
+ throw "Failed to filter tags file!"
+ endif
+ endif
+ call xolox#timer#stop(start_filter, "easytags.vim: Filtered tags file in %s second(s)")
+ endif
+ if supported_filetype
+ call add(command, '--language-force=' . easytags#to_ctags_ft(&ft))
+ call add(command, shellescape(filename))
+ let listing = system(join(command))
+ if v:shell_error
+ throw "Failed to update tags file!"
+ endif
+ endif
+ call xolox#timer#stop(start, "easytags.vim: Updated tags in %s second(s)")
+ return 1
+ endif
+ return 0
+ catch
+ call xolox#warning("easytags.vim: %s (at %s)", v:exception, v:throwpoint)
+ endtry
+function! easytags#supported_filetypes() " {{{1
if !exists('s:supported_filetypes')
let start = xolox#timer#start()
let listing = system(g:easytags_cmd . ' --list-languages')
@@ -42,73 +92,40 @@ function! easytags#update_cmd(filter_invalid_tags) " {{{1
call map(s:supported_filetypes, 'easytags#to_vim_ft(v:val)')
call xolox#timer#stop(start, "easytags.vim: Parsed language mappings in %s second(s)")
- let supported_filetype = index(s:supported_filetypes, &ft) >= 0
- if supported_filetype || a:filter_invalid_tags
- let start = xolox#timer#start()
- let tagsfile = easytags#get_tagsfile()
- let filename = expand('%:p')
- if g:easytags_resolve_links
- let filename = resolve(filename)
- endif
- let command = [g:easytags_cmd, '-f', shellescape(tagsfile)]
- if filereadable(tagsfile)
- call add(command, '-a')
- let start_filter = xolox#timer#start()
- let lines = readfile(tagsfile)
- let filters = []
- if supported_filetype
- call add(filters, 'v:val !~ ' . string('\s' . xolox#escape#pattern(filename) . '\s'))
- endif
- if a:filter_invalid_tags
- call add(filters, 'filereadable(get(split(v:val, "\t"), 1))')
- endif
- let filter = 'v:val =~ "^!_TAG_" || (' . join(filters, ' && ') . ')'
- let filtered = filter(copy(lines), filter)
- if lines != filtered
- call writefile(filtered, tagsfile)
- endif
- call xolox#timer#stop(start_filter, "easytags.vim: Filtered tags file in %s second(s)")
- endif
- if supported_filetype
- call add(command, '--language-force=' . easytags#to_ctags_ft(&ft))
- call add(command, shellescape(filename))
- let listing = system(join(command))
- if v:shell_error
- let message = "Failed to update tags file! (%s)"
- throw printf(message, listing)
- endif
- endif
- call xolox#timer#stop(start, "easytags.vim: Updated tags in %s second(s)")
- endif
+ return s:supported_filetypes
function! easytags#highlight_cmd() " {{{1
- if exists('g:syntax_on') && has_key(s:tagkinds, &ft)
- let start = xolox#timer#start()
- let taglist = filter(taglist('.'), "get(v:val, 'language', '') ==? &ft")
- for tagkind in s:tagkinds[&ft]
- let hlgroup_tagged = tagkind.hlgroup . 'Tag'
- if hlexists(hlgroup_tagged)
- execute 'syntax clear' hlgroup_tagged
- else
- execute 'highlight def link' hlgroup_tagged tagkind.hlgroup
- endif
- let matches = filter(copy(taglist), tagkind.filter)
- call map(matches, 'xolox#escape#pattern(get(v:val, "name"))')
- let pattern = tagkind.pattern_prefix . '\%(' . join(xolox#unique(matches), '\|') . '\)' . tagkind.pattern_suffix
- let command = 'syntax match %s /%s/ containedin=ALLBUT,.*String.*,.*Comment.*'
- execute printf(command, hlgroup_tagged, escape(pattern, '/'))
- endfor
- redraw
- call xolox#timer#stop(start, "easytags.vim: Highlighted tags in %s second(s)")
- endif
+ try
+ if exists('g:syntax_on') && has_key(s:tagkinds, &ft)
+ let start = xolox#timer#start()
+ let taglist = filter(taglist('.'), "get(v:val, 'language', '') ==? &ft")
+ for tagkind in s:tagkinds[&ft]
+ let hlgroup_tagged = tagkind.hlgroup . 'Tag'
+ if hlexists(hlgroup_tagged)
+ execute 'syntax clear' hlgroup_tagged
+ else
+ execute 'highlight def link' hlgroup_tagged tagkind.hlgroup
+ endif
+ let matches = filter(copy(taglist), tagkind.filter)
+ call map(matches, 'xolox#escape#pattern(get(v:val, "name"))')
+ let pattern = tagkind.pattern_prefix . '\%(' . join(xolox#unique(matches), '\|') . '\)' . tagkind.pattern_suffix
+ let command = 'syntax match %s /%s/ containedin=ALLBUT,.*String.*,.*Comment.*'
+ execute printf(command, hlgroup_tagged, escape(pattern, '/'))
+ endfor
+ redraw
+ call xolox#timer#stop(start, "easytags.vim: Highlighted tags in %s second(s)")
+ endif
+ catch
+ call xolox#warning("easytags.vim: %s (at %s)", v:exception, v:throwpoint)
+ endtry
function! easytags#get_tagsfile() " {{{1
let tagsfile = expand(g:easytags_file)
if filereadable(tagsfile) && filewritable(tagsfile) != 1
- let message = "easytags.vim: The tags file isn't writable! (%s)"
- echoerr printf(message, fnamemodify(directory, ':~'))
+ let message = "The tags file isn't writable! (%s)"
+ throw printf(message, tagsfile)
return tagsfile