path: root/autoload/xolox/misc/msg.vim
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Diffstat (limited to 'autoload/xolox/misc/msg.vim')
1 files changed, 83 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/autoload/xolox/misc/msg.vim b/autoload/xolox/misc/msg.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ba2b7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoload/xolox/misc/msg.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+" Vim auto-load script
+" Author: Peter Odding <peter@peterodding.com>
+" Last Change: March 15, 2011
+" URL: http://peterodding.com/code/vim/misc/
+if !exists('g:xolox_message_buffer')
+ " For when I lose my :messages history :-\
+ let g:xolox_message_buffer = 100
+if !exists('g:xolox_messages')
+ let g:xolox_messages = []
+" Show a formatted informational message to the user.
+function! xolox#misc#msg#info(...)
+ call s:show_message('title', a:000)
+" Show a formatted warning message to the user.
+function! xolox#misc#msg#warn(...)
+ call s:show_message('warningmsg', a:000)
+" Show a formatted debugging message to the user?
+function! xolox#misc#msg#debug(...)
+ if &vbs >= 1
+ call s:show_message('question', a:000)
+ endif
+" The implementation of info() and warn().
+function! s:show_message(hlgroup, args)
+ let nargs = len(a:args)
+ if nargs == 1
+ let message = a:args[0]
+ elseif nargs >= 2
+ let message = call('printf', a:args)
+ endif
+ if exists('message')
+ try
+ " Temporarily disable Vim's |hit-enter| prompt and mode display.
+ if !exists('s:more_save')
+ let s:more_save = &more
+ let s:ruler_save = &ruler
+ let s:smd_save = &showmode
+ endif
+ set nomore noshowmode
+ if winnr('$') == 1 | set noruler | endif
+ augroup PluginXoloxHideMode
+ autocmd! CursorHold,CursorHoldI * call s:clear_message()
+ augroup END
+ execute 'echohl' a:hlgroup
+ " Redraw to avoid |hit-enter| prompt.
+ redraw | echomsg message
+ if g:xolox_message_buffer > 0
+ call add(g:xolox_messages, message)
+ if len(g:xolox_messages) > g:xolox_message_buffer
+ call remove(g:xolox_messages, 0)
+ endif
+ endif
+ finally
+ " Always clear message highlighting, even when interrupted by Ctrl-C.
+ echohl none
+ endtry
+ endif
+function! s:clear_message()
+ echo ''
+ let &more = s:more_save
+ let &showmode = s:smd_save
+ let &ruler = s:ruler_save
+ unlet s:more_save s:ruler_save s:smd_save
+ autocmd! PluginXoloxHideMode
+ augroup! PluginXoloxHideMode
+" vim: ts=2 sw=2 et