path: root/autoload/xolox/misc/open.vim
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Diffstat (limited to 'autoload/xolox/misc/open.vim')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 92 deletions
diff --git a/autoload/xolox/misc/open.vim b/autoload/xolox/misc/open.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index b369f4f..0000000
--- a/autoload/xolox/misc/open.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-" Integration between Vim and its environment.
-" Author: Peter Odding <peter@peterodding.com>
-" Last Change: May 19, 2013
-" URL: http://peterodding.com/code/vim/misc/
-if !exists('s:version')
- let s:version = '1.1'
- let s:enoimpl = "open.vim %s: %s() hasn't been implemented for your platform! If you have suggestions, please contact peter@peterodding.com."
- let s:handlers = ['gnome-open', 'kde-open', 'exo-open', 'xdg-open']
-function! xolox#misc#open#file(path, ...) " {{{1
- " Given a pathname as the first argument, this opens the file with the
- " program associated with the file type. So for example a text file might
- " open in Vim, an `*.html` file would probably open in your web browser and
- " a media file would open in a media player.
- "
- " This should work on Windows, Mac OS X and most Linux distributions. If
- " this fails to find a file association, you can pass one or more external
- " commands to try as additional arguments. For example:
- "
- " :call xolox#misc#open#file('/path/to/my/file', 'firefox', 'google-chrome')
- "
- " This generally shouldn't be necessary but it might come in handy now and
- " then.
- if xolox#misc#os#is_win()
- try
- call xolox#shell#open_with_windows_shell(a:path)
- catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E117/
- let command = '!start CMD /C START "" %s'
- silent execute printf(command, xolox#misc#escape#shell(a:path))
- endtry
- return
- elseif has('macunix')
- let cmd = 'open ' . shellescape(a:path) . ' 2>&1'
- call s:handle_error(cmd, system(cmd))
- return
- else
- for handler in s:handlers + a:000
- if executable(handler)
- call xolox#misc#msg#debug("open.vim %s: Using '%s' to open '%s'.", s:version, handler, a:path)
- let cmd = shellescape(handler) . ' ' . shellescape(a:path) . ' 2>&1'
- call s:handle_error(cmd, system(cmd))
- return
- endif
- endfor
- endif
- throw printf(s:enoimpl, s:script, 'xolox#misc#open#file')
-function! xolox#misc#open#url(url) " {{{1
- " Given a URL as the first argument, this opens the URL in your preferred or
- " best available web browser:
- "
- " - In GUI environments a graphical web browser will open (or a new tab will
- " be created in an existing window)
- " - In console Vim without a GUI environment, when you have any of `lynx`,
- " `links` or `w3m` installed it will launch a command line web browser in
- " front of Vim (temporarily suspending Vim)
- let url = a:url
- if url !~ '^\w\+://'
- if url !~ '@'
- let url = 'http://' . url
- elseif url !~ '^mailto:'
- let url = 'mailto:' . url
- endif
- endif
- if has('unix') && !has('gui_running') && $DISPLAY == ''
- for browser in ['lynx', 'links', 'w3m']
- if executable(browser)
- execute '!' . browser fnameescape(url)
- call s:handle_error(browser . ' ' . url, '')
- return
- endif
- endfor
- endif
- call xolox#misc#open#file(url, 'firefox', 'google-chrome')
-function! s:handle_error(cmd, output) " {{{1
- if v:shell_error
- let message = "open.vim %s: Failed to execute program! (command line: %s%s)"
- let output = strtrans(xolox#misc#str#trim(a:output))
- if output != ''
- let output = ", output: " . string(output)
- endif
- throw printf(message, s:version, a:cmd, output)
- endif
-" vim: et ts=2 sw=2 fdm=marker